Buffalo Chicken Wraps


I have the best news ever! I’m sick. I blame my husband and whatever jerk or jerkette passed it along to him at work. Friday he came home complaining of sinus pressure and hints of fatigue and I was all, SISSY. But then I ran to the bathroom, rubbed echinacea powder and Robitussin all into […]

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Frozen Papaya Daiquiri


I WANT SPRING. We have a long way to go, don’t we? Tell you what, while we power through the next 8 weeks, 3 days, 17 hours and 23 seconds, here’s a leetle frozen papaya cocktail to help distract your soul from what’s actually going on outside. Go ahead and make 25 pitchers. GOSH, I’M […]

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Cajun Shrimp Bisque


Story time! (heeeey now, there’s an ACCORDION in it.) I used to have a job that wasn’t related to food. I drove to a building. Sat at a desk. Hung out with human beings. Minimized chat windows and Facebook every time my boss walked by. Brushed my hair. When work slowed down this awesome woman […]

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Brussels Sprouts Saute


Okay so I accidentally bought over 3 pounds of brussels sprouts. IT WASN’T MY FAULT. I walked into the grocery store the other day and immediately my ears started giddy-ing out to Mariah Carey’s “Vision Of Love.” If you’ve ever been in a grocery store with me (or anywhere else on the entire freaking planet) […]

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Red Quinoa Quiche


Hi. You know me. I like to stick weird things in food. Not that quinoa is weird or anything! But red quinoa? Who the what the where the when the how? Actually red quinoa isn’t weird at all either. Now, if the red quinoa was wearing a tutu, a French beret and jumping on a […]

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Chicken Stroganoff


What up, Strogs? Strogy. The STROGSTER. Oh, hi! I’m just pretending it’s 1995 and totally legit to use these God-forsaken nicknames on my new most favoritest dish ever in my life. Did you know that “stroganoff” actually means “to eat your face off?” It does! And then in 1965 they shortened it to just “stroganoff […]

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Beef and Lentil Curry


OMG. Do you see that yellow glow coming from this pot o’ curry? Okay, ignore the yellow light reflection in the actual pot (photo shoot fail!) but look INSIDE at that rich, vibrant curry sauce that BEGS for your tongue to do the Electric Slide through it. That glow is turmeric. AKA: God’s gift to […]

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