Archive | Cajun

Creamy Cajun Sausage with Linguine

Creamy Cajun Pasta / Bev Cooks

Pasta night! Get stoked. This right here has everything you’ll need for pasta night. It’s creamy, it’s rich, it’s tangy, it’s got gorgeously seasoned andouille sausage in it, so you get that bounce with every bite. And the simple factor is outrageous, so let us peepeth before I lose my mind. I think the basil […]

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Cajun Sausage Flatbread

Cajun Sausage Flatbread / Bev Cooks

Okaaaaay party time. Sort of. In my head. I know it’s weird. Cajun sausage in . . . pizza form? Well yeah! We can call this a flatbread. We can call it a pizza. I’m calling it both for two reasons. A) I didn’t make my crust. I have many many pizza crust recipes on […]

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Smoked Cajun Chicken and Sausage Soup

Smoked Cajun Soup with Chicken and Andouille Sausage / Bev Cooks

The Smoked Cajun Soup! Oh, I’ve been embarrassingly excited to show you this. PHENOM. Stupid flavorful. And you can make it work without a smoker, so don’t get murdery just yet. Let us peepeth. The one thing missing from this photo because I’m a ding-dong is a can of diced tomatoes. Get one! And these […]

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Easy Red Beans and Rice


Oodalalee! (name that movie) I’d almost completely forgotten about red beans and rice. Erased from my mind, thrown into a large bag and burned up forever-forgotten. But I love red beans and rice, so I have no idea why I said it like that. Also, red beans and rice is one of those meals where […]

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Easy Jambalaya


I almost called this Jammin’ Jambalaya but then I remembered I like having friends. Not only is it jammin’ though, it’zeeeeeezy. Not like 1-2-3 easy, but more like 1-2-3-4-5 easy. But not 1-2×87+369-44. It’s seriously just 1-2-3-4-5 easy. Good thing it’s not 862-13xthesquareofpie+infinitygoogle-81, right? I always hated math. This is actually a little thing that […]

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Summer Creole Shrimp Rolls


Hey guess what! I made shrimp last night for the first time in four months. That’s right, man. Looked through a magazine, saw a picture of shrimp and thought, “Whoa, I didn’t barf on the spot. IT’S TIIIIME.” One thing I always craved before getting pregz, barely craved at all during the beginning, and definitely […]

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