Lemon Chicken With Orzo


What does bistro mean? Because in a coffee-induced hyper episode on Saturday, I deemed this week as BLOG BISTRO WEEK. And then realized I have no idea what that means. And that I was talking to air. But I do know that it’s one of those words that when you say more than thrice, it […]

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Shrimp and Corn Pasta


Husbands. Whatever. I love how I can spend 417 hours a day in the barrels of food obsession, wrestling multiple brain aneurysms trying to dream up the pimpest recipe combinations, researching every last cobwebby corner of the webs and magazine pages until I’m blue in the face for a single speck of inspiration for the […]

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Baked Bourbon Buffalo Wings


Yeaaah I’m pretty sure that punt wasn’t even in the huddle when the kicker handed off that line of scrimmage in the neutral zone. Pretty sure of it. And then when that one interception turned into a fumble around the field goal, when it was blocking the blitz bomb? Totally didn’t see that coming. My […]

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Turkey Taco Cups


Say that super fast, 5 times in a row. I actually tried it and my mouth looked really jank so I stopped. So, okay, these taco cups? Total last minute decision this week and probably the best one I’ve made since purchasing a bra that actually fits. Hahaha! Cups, bra… Uhhh, seriously why won’t I […]

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White Spinach Cheese Dip


So it’s 1986. I’m 10 years old, and my sister Barbara is 6. We’d just moved to the sweaty armpit of the UNIVERSE, Hobbs, New Mexico and were getting settled into our new lifestyle which involved tumbleweeds, fake red cowboy boots from the Walmart and a crimp iron. Not known to be shy, (WEIRD!) Bar […]

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Vegetarian Football Pizzas


Some things in life just aren’t in my control. Things like death and taxes. Things like natural disasters, plagues and famine. Things like accidentally finding myself at Pryde’s foaming at the mouth over a football-shaped cookie cutter so that I can make ridiculous football pizzas in order to feel festive in my little life. Out […]

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Spinach and Edamame Salad


Before we spiral into the vortex of chest hair-growing, involuntary grunting, crotch-scratching and Arsenio Hall arm-pumping-style dude food this week, we need to prepare our stomach cavity. We need to massage it and stretch it. We need to put a damp towel around its shoulders and squirt cold water into it. Give it pep talks, […]

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Chicken Spiedini and a Guest Post


PASTAAAA. Has it been a hundred billion 81 years since I’ve eaten pasta? I think it has. No wonder I got sick. And this pasta has ACTUAL REAL LIFE ARROWS on each plate. Like, totes cupid-style. Heeey-oh! Just don’t stab your lover and blame me for the “accident.” I already have too much on my […]

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Tex-Mex Salmon Cakes


Okay so there’s this….thing. That like, the majority of the population of the universe fah-rickin’ LOSE THEIR MINDS over to eat. They go to all kinds of lengths, risk important relationships, see expensive therapists, maybe even consider assassination for a single bite. I SAID MAYBE. But not me. For some reason, that one (or 45) […]

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