Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Lobster Rolls

Lobster Rolls / Bev Cooks

Today I’m 40. FORTY. I have no idea what this is supposed to look or feel like, but I just bought myself a birthday tongue scraper and jogging visor, so I feel this is pretty much on target. (You’re like, “Waaaay too early in the morning for the words tongue scraper, lady.”) Remember when people […]

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Friday Flotsam

Hands and flowers

Fu-REE DEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Can we please talk about Peppa Pig for like half a second? And no more? Because I want to die? WHAT IS WITH THIS SHOW. A) I have maj issues with it. Sure sure. It’s adorable and whatever. Kids love it. My kids love it. They giggle. The pigs giggle. They learn. Everyone’s […]

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Friday Flotsam

Feet in Cabo

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFriday. Do your hands ever forget what they’re supposed to do? You know like, muscle memory? Actually, not that. But more like, they just straight forget the order of movemental motions. Okay wait. What I mean, specifically, is when you’re either rubbing eye makeup remover on your face, or applying moisturizer. You know how your […]

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Friday Flotsam

Toddlers on a Sofa

fffffffffff R I D A yyyyyyyyyyy. Why are hard boiled eggs so stupid? Let me rephrase that: why is peeling hard boiled eggs so stupid? Hold on, one more go at this: why is it so hard and stupid for me to peel stupid hard boiled eggs with my stupid fingers and hands? I have […]

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Monthly Mixtape: All the Vibes.

Monthly Mixtape: All the Vibes

Well would you look at that – it’s AUGUST. (!) How did we get here?! Besides the whole space time continuum thing. Okay, I’m changing it up a little this month! First of all, it’s my birthday month. Not only that, it’s a milestone birthday. I’m turning 40. (FORTY.) But isn’t 40 the new 20? […]

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The Stuff I Actually Make from Bev Cooks

Thai Pork Salad with Glass Noodles / Bev Cooks

As of right this second, I have packed my little striped carry on, washed my hair, straightened my hair, curled my hair, applied my Kardashian self tanner (don’t hate), painted my nails, chipped my nails, kissed my baby gremlins goodnight and fallen in bed for theeee earliest crack-a-liciousĀ  flight to Cabo, Mexico! (just like Sex […]

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