Author Archive | Bev Weidner

Chicken Dorito: 2.0


If any of you happened to grow up with me, be my friend, be my sister, give birth to me, date me, or marry me (hi Aaron!) chances are you’ve eaten chicken dorito with me. It was a household staple in my mom’s kitchen and not a single soul was ever left hungry or unsatisfied. […]

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A Snow Poem


A blanket of white covers the city. I still had to work, oh what a pity. The heater and fireplace will work on overdrive. A 1 million dollar heating bill just to survive. I’m really okay with the snow, as long as I’m inside. Put me behind the wheel and I’ll immediately go blind. I’m […]

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Stroganoff For the Snowed In


Well hello, Old Man Winter. I see you’ve brought some snow our way. And I hear you’re not done just yet. And that’s fine, but while I have you, would you mind calling Triple A for me in the morning when my lil ole car won’t make it to work? Oh, and would you please […]

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Random Retail Post


  Did anyone else take advantage of the enormous Banana Republic sale over the holidays? Now, I’m not a frequent BR shopper, but this sale, THIS SALE. In some cities it was 50% off of 50% off. WHAT? I was 100% thrilled. See what I did there? All this to say, I can now mark […]

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Luck Be My Dinner Tonight


Is it too late to eat black-eyed peas? Have I missed the boat on good fortune for the year? Is it over and done with? Should I throw in the towel? Hold up a white flag of surrender? Stop asking questions? You see, I bought some black-eyed peas for the new year, but we, uh, […]

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The Root of Happiness


I always forget how much I appreciate a big salad for dinner. They tend to be a lunchtime staple for me, and so often the idea of coming home after a long day to a plate of lettuce leafs lacks a bit of satisfaction appeal. Plus, it’s winter. We are supposed to be craving starches […]

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Slight Fall Back


I know, I know. This is the week of wellness. But you guys, we had our dearest pearest friends in from Florida, so there is the slightest chance this might have happened. Now, these aren’t just any fries. They are Oklahoma Joe’s fries. I can feel the forgiveness pouring in. I promise, saladville is tomorrow.

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2011 Likes Curry


Well, it’s all over. The tree has been put away, we’ve said our goodbyes to family and friends, we’ve eaten our weight in turkey and green bean casserole. In short, it was great! *taking a deep breath, and maybe burping* Time to move forward! Time to ramp up the whole grains, the power foods, the […]

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Happy New Year, Y’all!


Hi! Remember me? No? … Anyone? I’ll be back in full bloggerin’ force tomorrow night, but I just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year! We have best friends in town and are enjoying every second of it. For the last meal of the year, we ate a soup of mine that I’ve posted […]

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Rigatoni With Greens and Sausage


We’ve officially entered the winter season. Goods news is the shortest day of the year is now behind us! I get so excited because as soon as January 1st hits, I have this mental shift and start putting pen to paper to map out the Weidner Garden. What can I say? I’m an enthusiastic planner. […]

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