Tag Archives | avocado

Arugula Salad with Summer Sausage and Avocado

Arugula Salad with Summer Sausage and Avocado / Bev Cooks

And with a shallot dressing! Because we have to make sure we know about the shallot dressing. It’s too good. I rarely post salads on this blog because they end up being suuuuch a snooze fest. No one cares! BUT, this one needed to make its way somewhere permanent because hi, summer sausage? What on […]

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Avocado Cucumber Salsa

Avocado Cucumber Salsa / Bev Cooks

Another side dish! In dip form. Salsa form. You guys really like dips. Maybe this blog will be named Bev Dips from now on. (ew) It’s a (version of a) salsa that’s been swirling around the interflex for some time now. A little trendy, but I can’t help but see why. It’s the best of […]

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California Grain Bowl

California Grain Bowl / Bev Cooks

OKAY, I’m calling it California because it reminds me of California. When I was there. And I ate food there. …The avocados. Truthfully, I can’t stop thinking about the food in California! We had dinner at (fine, a chain. but I didn’t know it at the time) True Food Kitchen, and it was soul-punchingly delicious. […]

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Homemade Baby Food. Four Recipes, Yo.


Okay, you guys, baby food is ugly. This has been your warning. But it’s soooo easy to make and I just couldn’t get through this phase without sharing a few of my go-to purees for the gremlins. And no, they’re not going to be gremlins for Halloween. Which actually breaks my heart because I seriously […]

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Most Ridiculous Breakfast Sandwich Ever


It’s the most wonderful meaaaaaal of the daaaaaay. With the protein all runny and oozy and sunny you’ll want a whole traaaaaaaay, it’s the most wonderful meaaaaaaal of the daaaaay. It’s the hap-happiest tiiiiime for your faaaaaace.   With some leafy greens blistered and aged cheese all toastered, you’ll want to embraaaaace, it’s the hap-happiest […]

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