First recipe of the year! And it’s a salad. Bahahahah. oh. But listen, the crunch in this thing is enough to convert anyone. It is alive, I tell you. A lot happening in here. And don’t get weird at the word fennel. We thinly slice it, so it’s not like you’re madly chomping into licorice. […]
Cozy Winter Favorite Things!
A gift guide . . . in January? Naw. Let’s think of this as HYGGE SEASON INSPO. All caps necessary. Also I don’t have a recipe for you so this is what you get. Ha! Oh. Perhaps you got a little Christmas money that you’re sitting on and need help in deciding what to get. […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFr eeeee delelelelele! It’s Will and Natalie’s birthday! NINE. NIIIIINE. How this happened is beyond me. Besides the whole time continuum thing. It’s so surreal. To see their faces and bodies start to change every so slightly. Taller. Lankier. The bigger teeth filling the awkward gaps in their mouths. Less cheek. More jaw definition. More […]
2022 in Books!
YES I’m using the same photo as last year because I still really like it and had zero time to get creative. Ha! Don’t hate it. Booooks! These are some of my favorite posts to write and share and post and publish and share and do and write. You book lovers come out in droves, […]
Monthly Mixtape: Thick Socks and Woolen Blankets
Hey heeeeeeey, new yeaaaar! Happy 2023. We made it. I’m still waiting on my planner and a set of pretty pens to arrive, but I’ll pull through okay. I’m easing back into a work rhythm after a semi-wild winter break. Between non-stop hosting and the snow and Covid (my dad, not me) and 15 thousand […]
Friday Flotsam
Fra la la la laaa la la la LA. The other day I was wrapping gifts and I needed something to watch while I wrapped. To have on, ya know. And truly, other than Christmas movies this time of year, I barely glance at a TV show. BUT! I’ve been reading and hearing and hearing […]
Creamy Potato, Spinach and Sun-dried Tomato Soup
It’s slurp time. You knew it was coming. I think actually that this is my last recipe of the year! I think. Maybe? I can’t decide just how active to be on this blog over the next two weeks. It’s giving me so much trouble lately: pages not pulling up, not being able to comment […]
Creamy Rosemary Chicken with Linguine
It just feels like a pasta day. Okay. Yes. I heard it, too. Every day feels like a pasta day. But! There’s something about (rosemary? haha) this RAIN today that oozes pasta in the face. The pasta’s not oozing in the face. The vibe is. Nothing is coming out right today. We need pasta is […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAH. der. Okay PLEASE someone tell me that this Solawave thing is full of bull. It has to be. That honestly cannot be doing what it says it’s doing. Is it? Now, I’m a total believer in skin care. From minimal water splashing and moisturizing to lying on a bed with goggles and laser zapping, […]
Christmas Tree Focaccia
You HAD to see this coming. I can’t seem to stop with bread art. I have no intentions of ever stopping with bread art. It find it soothing, therapeutic, relaxing and inspiring. CARB ART. How can anyone be against this? And you don’t have to make a tree. But I made a tree with randoms […]