
First of all, it’s difficult to write these silly blog posts and posts these cozy photos with all the devastation in Los Angeles. I watch in stand-still horror as so, so, so many are losing their homes, their pets, their belongings, their whole lives. It’s unreal. I don’t have the words. I’d never want my posts to come off as tone deaf in the midst of catastrophe, because that’s the last place my soul is. I just cannot believe what’s happening. My heart goes out to every single person living through this unspeakable tragedy. I’m going ahead with today’s blog post, but hopefully. . . simply . . . as a distraction.

That said, I really want to get into cheese paper.
Cheese paper! Have you even heard of cheese paper? I saw this video of this girl talking about how the plastic bags that we put our cheese in after we open it is going to poison us. And I was like, “okay okay but let’s talk about how cute that cheese paper is!” (I can’t remember what she specifically had)
Because let’s be real, it’s not the poison, it’s the aesthetic.
Cheese paper. I think it’s basically jushed up (marked up) wax paper? A lovely design that makes you feel like Ina or Martha. All good with that. Also have I been conned?
I also see there are cheese BAGS? How is this different?
I’m not sure what the best kind of cheese paper or bag there is, so if you’re a cheese paper user, link me! I need some guidance. Also friends.

Also, did you know that the lion in the little MGM opener is always different?! I’m sure you can imagine it. Beginning of a movie, the circle frame thing with the gold ribbons sort of flowing away from it. There’s a lion in the middle. Then it roars. That lion is changed out on the regular! This started in 1917, and the very first lion didn’t even roar. Didn’t even roar! Just looked around at the circle like, “What up, bro?” It took a few years to get a lion to roar. Isn’t this fascinating? Watch this evolution of the lions video if you severely need a life like Will and me.
Also, the lion that I always think of has longer hair, and the one that they stuck with later on had shorter hair. Isn’t this crazy?
Never mind.

Something happened this week in our never ending snow days that brought about quite the stir in my Stories.
And that is, do you save your baby teeth? Sorry, not YOURS, but your kids’ teeth? After you Tooth Fairy them, do you save them or toss them so quickly into the bin your head spins?
I . . . saved them. Sorry, sorry!! I know!! Horrific!
I posted a photo of Natalie’s hand (and her pretty nails) holding all of her nasty baby teeth. Because listen, I don’t know why I saved them. They’re all in bags with the kid notes (to the TF) in a drawer. And I’m glad I saved them because once they discovered the truth out the TF, Nat’s first question, with dare I say, an awkward hunger in her eyes, “WHERE ARE MY TEETH??” Ewwwwwaaaaaaah. But also I have them.
Do you save the baby teeth? Or tossy toss?

Weekend plans?
Today we’re purging Will’s closet. It snowed again so they’re home again and I’m exercising patience. Again. And if all goes well, a skating rink party tonight, a sleepover, a lot of reading and drawer deep cleaning, a soccer game and two Variety Show practices . . . in a pear tree.
From this week, a look back at the books we read in 2024, plus my DIY book nook! I love it so. And I’m loving your book suggestions for this year. You gooood.
Okay so CHEESE PAPER? Are we doing this?
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