Gnocchi, Cauliflower and Prosciutto Sheet Pan Dinner

Sheet pan dinner! I mean, what even is this sheet? Ha! Oh.

I need more sheet pan situations in my life. It’s like, the ultimate life hack. You violently toss a bunch of sheet on a sheet and say sheet as much as possible. Such good sheet!

And this one? Insanity. Cauliflower, gnocchi, red onion and diced prosciutto. Hearty, comforting, delicious. Let’s do it.

If you buy a bag of cauliflower florets, good on you. Love it. Get it and open it and toss it out. If you can’t find that, a big head of cauli all broken into florets is what you’re looking for.

We’ll combine it with thick slices of red onion, a bag of dried gnocchi, a good pinch of dried Italian seasoning, lots of oil and a big pinch of salt. Tossy toss.

Onto a rimmed baking sheet it goes! Then open a little package of prosciutto (I have the hardest time spelling that word.) and evenly scatter the little chunks all over. It’ll get goooood and crispy in the oven. Exactly what our souls beggeth foreth.

Hiiiiiiiya. Freshly chopped parmesan on top, maybe another drizzle of olive oil and she’s great.

Lemon juice to wake it up is never a bad idea. Also parmesan would make it stellar.

Crushed red pepper! Go nuts, make it yours.

Thing is, the cauliflower is roasted and beautifully tender. The gnocchi is toothy and even crunchy in places. The red onion is deep with aromatic essence. The prosciutto is crispy, rich and salty. Unbelievably simple for all that flavor, I tell you.

Anything roasted is glorious to me. And I mean, you saw how we lit-rally just tossed and roasted, right? This sheet is criminal!

(I’ll stop.)

You better make this sheet. (I tried to stop.)

Gnocchi, Cauliflower and Prosciutto Sheet Pan Dinner
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  • 1 large head of cauliflower, broken into small florets
  • 1/2 medium red onion, cut into thick slices
  • 1 pound dried gnocchi
  • 1 Tbs. Dried Italian seasoning
  • 1 large pinch of salt
  • 3-4 Tbs. Extra virgin olive oil
  • 4 oz chopped prosciutto or pancetta
  • Chopped parsley, for garnish


  1. Preheat your oven to 400.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the cauliflower, gnocchi and red onion slices. Add a good pinch of salt, the Italian seasoning and a few tablespoons of olive oil. Toss with your fingers to fully coat.
  3. Transfer to a large rimmed baking sheet. Evenly scatter the diced prosciutto over the pan.
  4. Roast about 45 minutes, until the cauliflower is tender and has taken on beautiful color, and the prosciutto is nice and crispy.
  5. Garnish with parsley and serve!
  6. Serves four.

Here’s the video!

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5 Responses to Gnocchi, Cauliflower and Prosciutto Sheet Pan Dinner

  1. Angie December 22, 2024 at 9:34 pm #
    This was super yum and so easy. We did all the extras you suggested…lemon, Parmesan, red pepper flakes. I threw in a little broccoli for fun.
  2. poppy playtime December 25, 2024 at 3:25 am #
    I am typically the one to blog, and we truly value your posts. This article has piqued my curiosity about the topic. Please allow me to bookmark your blog and continue to check the selection details.
  3. Sabrina January 8, 2025 at 7:12 pm #
    very nice idea for a sheet pan dish, and not super heavy plus the added bonus of giving some needed flavor boost to the cauliflower, thank you!
  4. retro bowl January 13, 2025 at 12:39 am #
    We really appreciate your posts, and usually I am the one who blogs. My interest in the subject has grown as a result of this article.
  5. Johanna February 10, 2025 at 7:22 am #
    Wow, looks like the perfect mix of flavors and textures. Gnocchi with crispy prosciutto and roasted cauliflower must be an easy yet satisfying meal. Someone was trying to track down the vital choice phone number the other day for seafood orders, and it reminded me how good ingredients can really elevate a dish. Roasting everything together brings out so much flavor without a ton of effort. Definitely adding this to the weeknight dinner lineup!

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