
If there’s one thing I learned this week, it is what I would be like as an appliance technician.
And listen, I have no beef with appliance technicians! (except when they misdiagnose a fridge repair and quote you $800 for the fix and it actually ends up being something else entirely, only putting you back $130. Yay!) But like, I know my hypercommunicative nature, and I also know what awkward silence does to the psyche. Second dude comes in to repair our fridge (and he was GREAT. Thorough, really approachable, super friendly), but when he got focused, they got focused.
What I’m trying to say is, I need a little play-by-play encouragement or I’ll have a colossal meltdown. I told him, “I’m not to going to hover, I swear. I’ll do my thing. You do yours. Just keep me updated if there’s progress.” And then silence. For a while.
If Bev was a technician, I would assure your soul with a lively sprinkling of, “Ah-ha!” and “Ohhhh!” and “There we go!” and “Looking good!” and “Oh this will do the trick!” You’d have no need to sweat.
Unless I couldn’t fix your fridge. Then I’d stay silent.
But dude was in there for over an hour and I was like, “How are we looking? Should I start crying?” And he was like, “Nope! All good. Just fixing the starter. This is the problem.”
And then a while later, “Do you need anything? I’m sweating. Any updates for me? I’m hosting Thanksgiving next week. Did I mention that?”
Him, “You did. A few times. And it’s all fixed! Let’s look at these thermal temps and listen to that hum.”
I didn’t say that to him.
But I would give you clues the entire time.
That’s all.
My fridge is fixed.

Let’s talk about Aldi faves!
I mentioned this week in Stories that I’ve become a GIANT fan of Aldi lately. (I’ve been sporadically through the years, but never consistently.) Um, it is amazing. The one closest to us was recently renovated, so it’s clean and nice and organized. I’ve been a handful of times over the last three weeks and I’m obsessed. My grocery bill is down nearly 40%, and everything that I get, I love. So I asked you all to give your faves, and promised I’d share them here. This won’t be everything (your love for Aldi is very overwhelming, and now I get it!) Also remember this trip I took with them yeaaaars ago? That was fun.
Okay, the goods!
ALL the cheeses. They have a whole European line of cheese, beautifully packaged and extremely well priced. Like, the camembert is $3.99. Just take that in for a moment.
Fresh salmon, grass fed beef and frozen ahi tuna. I’m on it!
The chocolates! They have these euro-style chocolate bars that we cannot get enough of. Seriously so good.
Sourdough loaves. I mean duh.
Protein pancakes and waffles. I can attest to the waffles!
Cinnamon Clusters. A big bag of chunky granola clusters and only $3!
These are the top tips. But just think of this, what costs you normally $6.99 at a regular store will be nearly half priced at Aldi. Avocados? .75 cents each. Just incredible. I’m a convert.
If you have any other faves to add to this list, plop a comment and I’ll try it next time I’m there!
Did I mention my fridge is fixed?

Okay, Thanksgiving movies. We need to discuss. There are three that we plan to watch throughout next week, and I need to know if there are any other must-watches.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles. Hello, necessary.
By the Light of the Silvery Moon. I grew up watching this movie as a kid. The whole vibe is so wholesome and aesthetically scrumptious, but the Thanksgiving day scene is Chef’s Kiss. Watch it! Doris and Gordon, natch.
Home for the Holidays. You guys suggested it a few weeks ago and I’m making it happen!
Okay, tell us your can’t-live-withouts.

Weekend plans?
This morning I have a fun date with a friend to get a cappuccino and hit some estate sales, but it’s FOR something fun. And I hate it when influencers do this shit, but I’ll tell you soon! It’s exciting. I have my stock simmering in a crockpot and a pie crust prepped. This weekend I’ll press linens, tackle a few paint touchups and try and finish The Wish. (it’s so, so sweet) A fun Friendsgiving tomorrow night with besties, and a Natalie soccer game followed by a Chiefs football game on Sunday! It’s all so good.
From this week, a painfully delicious Lemon and Olive Focaccia. You will fall apart in it. Give it a go next week! Here’s the video, too.
I think I told you about the repaired fridge, right?
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