Friday Flotsam


First of all, we have a new refrigerator!!! (<–three exclamation points desperately necessary)

Okay, and I swear to you and Pete and the heavens above, I will never mention this fridge saga ever again after today. Hey, I’m sick of hearing myself talk about it, so I cannot imagine how utterly over this you all are.


WE HAVE A NEW FRIDGE! (also why is there a d in the word fridge and not in refrigerator. makes zero sense.)

So this is what happened. Remember when our old one (as in, 18 years old) died a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving? The ticking, the compressor, the starter, my panic attack, the wrong diagnosis, all that? Right. So we had it fixed for only $130 and not the huge $800 that I feared. Which was great. Got me through Thanksgiving. But then one morning in the second week of December, I was working at my laptop and guess what I heard again. Guess.what.I.heard.again.


So, after a few tears, I called the repair guy again, booked him for that day, and went out to shop for a new fridge while Aaron stayed home with the repair guy and got the final news. It was kaput. Great! Let’s get a new fridge!

So I found one that I loved, ordered it on Dec 10th, and four days later received the “Your item is on backorder” email. Aaaaaaand I about screamed. (you do remember this is exactly what happened back in 2020? same thing!)

(In the meantime, I borrowed a larger mini fridge from a friend and totally jushed the empty area with art, lights, a thrifted end table. It was actually super cute. I took photos but accidentally deleted them because my phone was getting too full. Such is life.)

So I called Home Depot (if you’re still listening to this dumb story we are bonded for life.) and asked the woman to get real with me and let me know if I need to let the dream die and look for something else. Turns out, there’s a slightly smaller version of the exact fridge we wanted, and available, so we canceled my first order and ordered the smaller one. And it’s HERE!

IT IS HERE! It’s this one. But it was on major sale when I ordered it and $1000 off.

And I love it. And I grocery shopped yesterday and filled it all up and it’s gorgeous and I could cry and I did cry.

Also don’t get me started on all the pretty organized fridge photos on Pinterest. Obsessed.

So there we have it. New year. New fridge. New Bev. (sorry I said it like that.)

You guys, I figured something out last week. Or two weeks ago. Or maybe it was November.

This is how you know you’ve tipped (fallen) more into middle aged-ness. I now dance like a backup singer.

A BACKUP SINGER. Take that in for a moment. That is the way I dance now. To music. To any music. The whole sway and snap. This is bad, you guys. I discovered it whilst listening to indie music. First I swayed to the left and was like, wait wait. What just happened. Then the little tap with the right foot. No! Then I swayed back to the right, did the little tap with my left foot and my eyes bugged out in horror.

And then . . . the snapping. And I don’t mean a mental snapping (which I’m sure is right around the bend.) I snapped my fingers, guys.

Noooooooooonononononononoo. This is who I am now.

On top of that, I received a mailer yesterday for a free dinner at a FUNERAL HOME.

Was the new fridge the peak of 2025? Be real with me.

Do you make new year’s resolutions? I do not. And I saw something the other day that made me laugh so hard that I have to share. It was something along the lines of “I need the year to be better, not me.” Ha! Exactly. Same same.

And then I saw this other thing about not needing a new year, but a gently-used 1998 would be fine. Hahahahah. I feel this hard.

On that note though, I need to stretch more. Which I’ve said a bagillion times. But I’m going to try and focus more on stretching and breathing and core and weights. And tennis! Once it’s warm again. I did gift myself a new racket for Christmas. But for noooooow, let’s stretch more. Then sway and snap like a proper 48 year old woman.

(send me good stretching videos if you have any!)

Weekend plans?


We’re going to get 85 feet of snow, like the majority of the country. Aaron’s brother is popping up today for the quickest visit before the snow hits tomorrow afternoon. We have birthday plans tomorrow for the kids and a couple of their friends, and I’m just crossing my fingers (after snapping them of course) that we get to do most of what we plan to do. Including a sleepover. Which may result in Nat’s best friend just moving in with us. Other than that, baking a bit, watching the massive snow fall and hoping not to lose power. Yay!

From this week::: your January mixtape! It’s a bit of upbeat tunes to freshen up our moods. I do hope you dig it. Next week I plan to talk more about the books I read in 2024, and to show you the DIY bookshelf Aaron made me in more detail! It’s just the most scrumptious.

Okay, off to sway my hips and snap my fingers into the snowstorm! (tell me if you’ll get snow too.)

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5 Responses to Friday Flotsam

  1. Emily January 3, 2025 at 10:25 am #
    My mom dances like that. Hahaha. Sorry. I'm ducking to avoid a punch. I will gladly take a gently used 1998. That was a really good year for me. Sigh. I know it's become trendy but you might want to try pilates. Gets the stretching and core work done at the same time. I use the Move with Nicole YouTube channel. I feel so good when I'm done.
  2. Laura Lee January 3, 2025 at 1:53 pm #
    I don't dance so I guess I'm safe. I've never been able to move my lower and upper body together. 🤣 I have no idea what the forcast is but I wouldn't be surprised if Satan's Dandruff (a play on your Satan's Hemorrhoids- pomegranate line😉) made an appearance. I will be 50 next month and signed up for a chair yoga app for a month but it's ridiculously easy. On the bright side it gets me moving and I usually do something else whilst down in the exercise area. I also need to work on stretching/strength.
  3. Dee January 6, 2025 at 10:46 am #
    Snapping your fingers gets harder as you get older, too. :) So, live the dream while you can!
  4. Cathy January 7, 2025 at 8:42 am #
    Ha ha. This is a great post. Made me laugh. Made my day! Your new friDge is beautiful! I am so jealous. Hey, don't feel bad, I was born dancing like that, but with hopping involved.
  5. Admin Jadwelny February 6, 2025 at 1:00 am #
    ha ha . This is a great post.

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