Archive | Sausage

Creamy Rigatoni with Tomatoes and Sausage


O Rigaromeo, Rigaromeo, wherefore art thou Rigaromeo? Deny thy flavor and refuse thy taste? Or if thou wilt not, but be sworn my appetite. And I’ll no longer be starving.   (Rigaromeo, aside:) Shall I cook more, or shall I tempt at this?   ‘Tis but thy make that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, […]

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Gnocchi with Sausage and Kale


It’s snow day #2 around herrr! Which doesn’t really change much for me and my normal routine, other than the addition of nauseated gripes from my husband’s “work station” at the kitchen table as he witnesses me Huluing missed episodes of The Carrie Diaries and The Mindy Project. It’s like, look chachi, no one asked […]

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Creamy Cajun Sausage Ravioli


Raaaaaavioli where the cream comes sweepin’ down the plaaate. Get it? Like Oooklahoma where the wind com – you know? Since Oklahoma and ravioli are both 4 syllables? Get it? Oh. Guess what, I’m actually going to talk about – wait for it – the FOOD today. Whaaaaa. And it’s weird, now that I just […]

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Pipe Rigate with Sausage Ragu


You know how they say we eat for our blood type? Well I’m pretty much convinced mine is A Pasta. Or wait. Maybe they say we SHOULD eat for our blood type. In that case I’m A Pasta Tacos Mushrooms Pizza Cheese Wine. But hold on. Now that I think about it, I think it’s […]

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Queso Tuna Melt


This is just beyond ridiculous. And I mean ridiculous. You guys, I googled it to see if this was a popular combo because I’d never thought or heard of it before, and I think I invented it. I really think I did. BEVCOOKSQUESOTUNAMELTPATENTPENDINGISAIDITFIRST. You should have seen me though, trying to come up with this. […]

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Sausage Cheese Dip


I think we need a moment of silence, yes? Yes. I’m such a stupid lover of cheese dip, it’s stupid. Stupid stupid stupid. I made this last Saturday for the Arkansas/Alabama game (embaaaaaaarrassing) and – oh, did I host a party, you ask? Oh no. The cheese dip was for me. All two pounds of […]

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