Archive | Rice

Spicy Coconut Shrimp with Brown Rice


I’ve made a decision. Two decisions. Well, three. 1) For the rest of my life I’m going to douse everything I eat in coconut milk. 2) For the rest of my life I’m going to garnish everything I eat with coconut shavings. 3) For the rest of my life I’m going to avoid clothes shopping […]

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Chipotle Shrimp Salad Bowls


What started out as a sinless, innocent puppy love back in my college years, hath quickly and destructively grown into a full-blown, no holds barred, unmanageable, MUST HAVE OR DAH, injurious addiction. Chipotle. I freaking love Chipotle. Like bawd. In our house, you can often hear things like this coming from our mouths. Me, “I’m […]

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Moroccan Stuffed Cabbage Rolls


Can you believe I’m not wrapping something up in a goldarned tortilla? I know! But before we begin, did you see my boyfriend sing last night right after having kidney stone surgery? Uh, surgery made him hotter. Something about the removal of the kidney stones definitely made his eyes even more piercing and sparkly and […]

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Green Curry Chicken


These bowls right here? The ones in this picture? Oh – they are pretty cute, aren’t they? (T.J.Maxx. I KNOW.) But it’s what’s in them that can move mountains. Part seas. Launch rockets. Birth baby eagles. Tame frizzy hair. Celine Dion better MOVE OVER because I’m about to write the hittest of all hit songs […]

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Simple Black Beans and Rice


I was going to wait and make this after Valentine’s day, but when I made the mistake of verbalizing the week’s list of potential dinners to Aaron, he interrupted me at “black beans and ri–” with, “YES. YES. MAKE THAT TODAY. I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THE LIST. JUST MAKE BLACK BEANS AND […]

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