Archive | Pasta

Biscuit Fish Tacos and Asparagus Pesto Pasta


Believe it. What your eyeballs are peeping right now is the absolute fist bumpin’ truth. Fish tacos wrapped. in. buttermilk. biscuits. Now, I can’t actually take credit for this 8th wonder of the world, as someone already doth created this masterful recipe for the annual Pillsbury Bake-Off. Well, the insanely popular event kicked off again […]

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Turkey Goulash


Well, I got one of those calls in the middle of the night that you never want to get. The kind that when you hear your phone ringing a room away at a haunted hour, you bolt straight up in bed, mind racing all over the place, fearing the absolute worst. That happened to me […]

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Steak With Pesto Gnocchi


So, as bistro week continues (the only real thing I learned about the meaning of “bistro” is that I need to grow a mustache for true authenticity. DONE. And gross.) we’re having steak and potatoes! By the way, bistro week did in fact start on Monday with Aaron’s pasta, and then on Tuesday with soup, […]

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Lemon Chicken With Orzo


What does bistro mean? Because in a coffee-induced hyper episode on Saturday, I deemed this week as BLOG BISTRO WEEK. And then realized I have no idea what that means. And that I was talking to air. But I do know that it’s one of those words that when you say more than thrice, it […]

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Shrimp and Corn Pasta


Husbands. Whatever. I love how I can spend 417 hours a day in the barrels of food obsession, wrestling multiple brain aneurysms trying to dream up the pimpest recipe combinations, researching every last cobwebby corner of the webs and magazine pages until I’m blue in the face for a single speck of inspiration for the […]

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