Tag Archives | tomatoes

Breakfast Pizza Quiche

Breakfast Pizza Quiche / Bev Cooks

We’re looking at summer brunch for the rest of time, we are. I have a thing for tomatoes and cheese in and on a PIE. Matter of fact, I have versions of this very thing on the blog over and over. I keep coming back to it. Tweaking it this way and that. But this […]

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Simple Chicken Pasta Soup

Simple Chicken Pasta Soup / Bev Cooks

Like six ingredients! Seven if you include the Italian Seasoning on the chicken. So – seven ingredients! I loooooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrve (<—Celine Dion style) soups like this. They basically throw themselves together whilst singing a little soothing ditty for your soul. Because guys, it’s that time of year where it’s not the time change JUST YET, but […]

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Creamy Beef and Gnocchi Soup

Creamy Beef and Gnocchi Soup / Bev Cooks

Things are about to change for you, I can feel it. And taste it. Because this. THIS. It’s like, one step. Plus a few more. So like three steps total. And one step is pure weeping. You know I’m Queen Soup, don’t argue with me. This is going to be that soup that’s on the […]

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Summer Chicken Soup with Pinto Beans and Corn

Summer Chicken Soup wtih Pinto Beans and Corn / Bev Cooks

Summer slurpin’! It happens. Yes, it’s soup. And yes, it’s 86 kazillion degrees outside. But I can’t rightly care, because there’s so much summer in this soup! Plus pinto beans. I’m really into pinto beans lately. Remember when I made slow cooker burritos with them? Well, they’re BACK, but in a soup. This soup. The […]

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