Tag Archives | swiss chard

Lemon Butter Sole and Apple Cinnamon Empanadas

sole with chard

Dudes. Hark. Are you seeing that light coating of drizzleness sliding down those lemon slices? I don’t want to give anything away, but it’s butter. Pure unadulterated butter. It’s soft butter whisked with white wine and garlic and parsley and lemon juice. But I don’t want to give anything away. And see what’s under all […]

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Steak With Pesto Gnocchi


So, as bistro week continues (the only real thing I learned about the meaning of “bistro” is that I need to grow a mustache for true authenticity. DONE. And gross.) we’re having steak and potatoes! By the way, bistro week did in fact start on Monday with Aaron’s pasta, and then on Tuesday with soup, […]

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