Tag Archives | red bell pepper

Grilled Asian Steak Salad


You know how David Spade says the word “salon” in the old SNL skit, with the accent on the first syllable? Like, SAlon? That’s the way I like to say salad. SAlad. But you have to say it like SAlod and change the way the second syllable sounds, sort of hollowing it out a little, […]

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Chicken Pesto Panini


Panini, panino. Plablini, plablino. Let’s call the whole thing off. Guess who’s late to the “getting the actual word right” party? Yeppers. But it’s not my fault! I couldn’t find a cab and it was raining and blah blah BLAH. I’m not kidding when I say that not even 200 days ago, I didn’t know […]

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Green Curry Chicken


These bowls right here? The ones in this picture? Oh – they are pretty cute, aren’t they? (T.J.Maxx. I KNOW.) But it’s what’s in them that can move mountains. Part seas. Launch rockets. Birth baby eagles. Tame frizzy hair. Celine Dion better MOVE OVER because I’m about to write the hittest of all hit songs […]

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Vegetarian Football Pizzas


Some things in life just aren’t in my control. Things like death and taxes. Things like natural disasters, plagues and famine. Things like accidentally finding myself at Pryde’s foaming at the mouth over a football-shaped cookie cutter so that I can make ridiculous football pizzas in order to feel festive in my little life. Out […]

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Simple Shrimp and Guacamole Tostadas


We have 7 days left until Christmas. Does that give anyone else gas? I have to say, I’ve been quite the little miss holiday spirit cheerleader this season. I’ve charmingly entertained my husband with my best inebriated Kermit THE Frog impression singing Feliz Navidad, 33 times. I used tinsel as dentil floss and was all, […]

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