Tag Archives | fall

A Few of My Favorite Things: Fall Edition!

touch lamp / favorite things

Hey heeeeeey, let’s have a little favorite things action today! (promise I’ll never say it like that again.) You guys seemed to really get into the Cozy Winter edition. And the Summer edition was fire. So, here we are with an autumn edition! Which is my favorite edition of all the favorite things and their […]

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Apple Pastries with Homemade Dulce de Leche

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I may never be the same. Matter of fact, I don’t want to ever be the same. After the discovery of HOMEMADE dulce de leche, I feel the time has come to finally lock myself in a cage with endless vats of this other-worldly nectarous syrup of the sweetened milk gods, and say goodbye forever. […]

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DIY: Sage Dream Catcher and Eucalyptus Wreath

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I use the words “dream catcher” and “wreath” veeeeeeeery loosely. But, hello: CRAFTS! You’re like, “Bev, that’s a twig, a little string and some sage leaves.” Yes, yes it is, pigeons. You’re welcome. Not only are these crafts boo-honk simple, but they’re like, super nature-y and stuff. Yay! And it’s fall, so double yay! And […]

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Seared Pork Tenderloin with Apples and Broccoli


It’s so so so so sososososo fall right now. SO fall. And I seriously c.a.n.n.o.t. soak it up enough. I know I’m probably annoying the tar out of you guys with my constant Instagram fall nature pictures, but I can’t heeeeeeelp it. Everywhere I look I’m like HOW IS THAT TREE EVEN DOING THAT. HOW […]

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Chili Bread Bowls


Time for çheelee! That’s the way I say çhili. Cheelee. And you have to raise your eyebrows real high like those çreepy çartoony çharaçters in Soundgarden’s old video Blaçk Hole Sun. And the L sound has to be really enunçiated, like to the point where there’s almost spit in the çorners of your mouth. And […]

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