Tag Archives | coconut,

Thai Coconut Noodles

Thai Coconut Noodles / Bev Cooks

EVERYBODY’S GONE SLURPIIIIIN’, SLURPIN’ USA. Ummm, this is your new life. Your new got-nothing-to-make-for-dinner-so-noodles-it-is life. But Thai! Thai COCONUT AND PEANUT BUTTER. (no it’s not frozen peanut butter, I’ll save you the time and make the joke myself.) These are sloppy, soaked, silky, slurpalicious and seriously seductive. Let’s take a squint. Okay, it seems like […]

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Mini Chocolate Coconut Pies

Mini Chocolate Coconut Pies / Bev Cooks

At least they feel like pie to me. They might be cake! Or giants. None the less, they’re chocolate-y and sweet and your watering mouth cavern beggeth. And it’s simple! Take a looksie. Your standard baking ingredients. AND GUYS. I’m not a baker, so this is huge for me. To be posting dessert? What is […]

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Roasted Vegetable and Farro Grain Bowl

Roasted Vegetable and Farro Grain Bowl / Bev Cooks

Grain bowls! I accidentally typed brain bowls. Which could either be totally applicable or totally gross. You decide. I’ve really been getting into bra- ugh, GRAIN bowls lately. Like almost every single DAY for the last two days. And what’s funny is that I completely forgot about shooting this roasted veggie and farro grain bowl […]

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Mexican Fiesta Bowls

Mexican Fiesta Bowls / Bev Cooks

It’s not what you think. This isn’t a taco salad bowl. Or a burrito bowl. Not really even a Straw Hats bowl. (even though it has fritos in it so don’t get all loco on me.) It’s a MEXICAN FIESTA BOWL – a) because that’s what my mom calls it, and b) apparently I used […]

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Thai Curry Oats

Thai Curry Oats / Bev Cooks

*This post is definitely sponsored by The Quaker Oats Company , but all yammering and opinions are totally my own. We coo?* You’re like, WHAT DID YOU JUST DO WITH THOSE POOR OATS. I Thai Curried them. Are you mad at me? Or do you want to hug me? Thing is, it’s all because the […]

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Sweet Chili Chicken with Coconut Rice


Ummmmm yeah. First of all, I don’t even want you to scroll down to the recipe just yet, because you’ll absolutely lose your entire face when you learn of the minimalisticalism (<—what?)-ness (<—dude) of this recipe. There are like six or seven ingredients tops in it. But hold on! Let’s take this slowly. The simplicity […]

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