So like, we go to the park a lot. A LOT LOT. Remember that one time I drank a bunch of rosé and fell off my bike in the grass? Right. A lot. (stop laughing.) And embarrassingly, I never even THINK about the grass and what’s on it. (besides bugs. I definitely think slash panic […]
Roasted Poblano, Corn and Quinoa Casserole
Vegetarian dish comin’ at ya loud and cheesy! (that was way less dorky in my head.) I’ve been dyyying to play around with corn and quinoa and cheese and my face for some time now. We actually have this little neighborhood restaurant that has a corn and quinoa casserole on the menu, and it’s PHENOMENAL. […]
Friday Flotsam
FrRFRFRFRFffffffrrrrrrrrFRFRFRFRrrrrrrrFFFFRRRRRrrrrrrFFFFRFRFRFrrrrridee. Okay, teacher readers. I HAVE AN APPLE TO PICK WITH YOU. (Haha! Did you see what I did there? Instead of a bone to pick, it’s an apple? Because you’re a teache- right.) (And I don’t really have a bone slash apple to pick. I’m teasing. I love you all. Don’t leave me.) But […]
Spicy Chicken and Broccoli Rice Bowls
UM. OKAY. I know you’re probably like, “Chicken, broccoli and rice, whoop dee do.” But. Hi, this chicken. Is coated in all that stuff you see in this next photo. And it has sweetness. And a little kick. It’s a little bit country. And a little bit rock ‘n roll. This LOOKS like a lot […]
Rosemary Chicken Gnocchi
And it’s one pot! One pan, I mean. A skillet. Whatever you have. Never mind. Okay this is like, the unofficial slash official gateway to fall for your mouth. Just the words ROSEMARY CHICKEN feel like they should under a giant leaf pile. In a sweater. Or a navy blazer. (ordered one from J.Crew! I’ll […]
Friday Flotsam
FrrrrrrrrrrrrrrEEDEEDOODAAAHDULLYDIMDO. I need help! You’re like, “How does this woman even make it an hour by herself.” I need a navy blazer. I’ve needed a navy blue blazer since the navy blazer was invented and I’ve never had a navy blazer! Every fall rolls around and I’m like, “YES, IT’S NAVY BLAZER HUNT TIME,” and […]
Pork Fajita Quesadillas
With two cheeses! Pork Fajita Quesadillas with two cheeses. I left that part out. Who doesn’t completely freak their lives over quesadillas? No one. Everyone. Nat’s in this thing right now where she ONLY EATS QUESADILLAS. ONLY. And she’ll put her hand on her hip and spout, “JUST CHEESE. NOTHING ELSE.” I tried to tuck […]
Monthly Mixtape: Backpacks and Apple Trees
We made it to the ’embers! Which is what I feel like I say every year on this day at this time to your face. Today the gremlins go back to preschool. Second year. AND I AM FOAMING-AT-THE-MOUTH EXCITED. One, for all that ish they’re gonna learn and become super smart and prepped for Kindergarten, […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFleelee. Okay. So. I have a question. And I’m serious. Super serious. Here goes. When you make a peanut butter sandwich, do you use one knife, or two? One for the peanut butter, and one for the jelly? Or do you use one knife for BOTH the peanut butter and the jelly? And if you […]
Cheese and Wine Pairings! Yes, There’s Rosé.
Cheeeeeese! Say cheese. Say wine. Wait, don’t say anything, your mouth is full. So as you well know, last week we traveled south to visit lake houses, new houses, old friends, all the family, so many gremlins, a few pets, and I took cheese BECAUSE THAT IS WHO I AM. (much to Aaron’s chagrin.) You […]