Friday Flotsam


FREELERLEE DEELERLEE DAY. We’re going camping today. IN THE WILDERNESS WOODS. With the Blair Witch. Today and tomorrow and all weekend. Like three days of tent life. But we’ll get back to this. Let’s talk about piercings! (my mom just got super panicked right now.) It dawned on me the other day that no one […]

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Baked Ham and Cheese Rollups

Baked Ham and Cheese Rollups / Bev Cooks

I went to Wisconsin! And ate so much cheese. And have so much to show you. And I ate so much cheese. Also, there was cheese. First of all, Madison is just a little treat and a half. This is the second time I’ve been to visit my lover Roth Cheese, and much like last […]

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Friday Flotsam

mums and boots

Freh! Ri! Deh! Ay! Can we talk makeup for a hot sec? ALL THE BAES BE LIKE JEAH, QUEEN. (<–total douche sentence. let’s just move forward.) It’s been a looooong time since I’ve used Glossier, but apparently according to the current Facebook and Instagram algorithm, their ads in my face every other hour have other […]

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Fish and Chips

Fish and Chips / Bev Cooks

And just barely barely fried! But still a little fried. See how I love you? But dudes. Don’t even try to learnt me on if it’s Fish ‘N Chips, or Fish N’ Chips, or Fish ‘N’ Chips or Fish NSYNC Chips. I don’t get it. Never will. So Fish AND Chips it is. So glad […]

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Friday Flotsam


Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmy f key is still STUCK. I need help! You’re like, “How does this lady navigate through her own life?” So next weekend we’re having friends (with tiny kids) over for a spooooooky October backyard movie night. No listen it’s perfect, the sun goes down at 6:55pm. The temps are cool and crisp and snuggly […]

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Breakfast Pizza with Sausage and Eggs

Breakfast Pizza with Sausage and Eggs / Bev Cooks

Anybody want pizza for breakfast? (DUH would be the correct answer here.) You guys know how I love eggs. I always tell Aaron when he’s not listening, “Eggs are the perfect food. You can fry, scramble, bake, hard boil, soft boil, poach, and they are COMPLETE MAGIC EVERY SINGLE TIME.” To which he replies, “Huh?” […]

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