FRRRRREWERWERWERWRERday. Can we talk about guilty pleasures? Guys, I don’t think I have any! Is this sad? Reason I ask is, the other day my friend Trisha texted me about some song she loves and how it was a guilty pleasure, and I said to her, “But wait, why is it a guilty pleasure? I […]
Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwiches
And they’re lightly fried, let us rejoice. You know, I have to admit. I really do like a fried chicken sandwich. I don’t care who you are or what you do, chicken sandwiches have always been and will always be that food that makes everybody’s head turn a half notch and stomach growl a full […]
Monthly Mixtape: Wispy and Shoegaze and Lushy
MAAAAAARCH! (I get excited about things.) At last, I’m seeing longer strands of 60s in the extended forecast. Windows have been open twice in the last seven days. Beers were consumed on the front porch over the weekend. To-do lists of seeds to plant and leaves to rake and stains for the patio table and […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRRRerherderpermerder! So this is the kind of stuff I think about. You’re like, here we go. Have you ever noticed how any business offices you call – no matter if it’s the doctor’s office, home improvement store, toenail repair shop – EVERYONE’S MENU HAS CHANGED? “Please listen carefully, as our menu has changed.” Why did […]
Ranch Shrimp and Spinach Pizzas
Time to unleash our inner closet sorority girl! Is “inner closet” repetitively redundant? Eh, who’s to say. RANCH pizzas. I’m not even sorry about how much I love ranch dressing. And I’m not sure if sorority girls even like ranch dressing anymore. Do they? BACK IN MY DAY (said like the Grandpa Simpson) it was […]
Lemon Fennel Orecchiette
You’re like, GRODY FENNEL? Come on, dost thou not trust moi? (said like Diane Chambers.) Roasting fennel is one of those secret loop holes of life. It’s sweet. But it’s savory. It’s tender. Yet it’s crunchy. And it works stunningly with loads of lemon, piles of parsley, oodles of orecchiette and ample alliteration. Also, tell […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRReh. Frih. Deh. Okay, I need your help! (you’re like, girl I just woke up.) I WANT to say we’ve talked about this before, many ancient moons of blogging yesterlore ago. But let’s bring it back because I need a fresh coat on it. No pun intended. Once you know what we’re talking about. I […]
Creamy Mexican Polenta Bowls
Okay let’s see how theeeese bowls work for ya. First of all, it’s creamy polenta so I feel like things are off to a solid start between us. That’s the base. The foundation. What happens from here is up to the moods of the soul fairies that dwell within your stirring soul chambers. Let me […]
Asian Pork Bowls with Noodles and Veggies
I love when a recipe brings me to my knees and face. Much like a pizza or a taco. Just kidding, I’m talking about this one. UM, it is incredible. It’s one of those meals that has so many layers of texture, which is exactly what my soul craves. CRUNCH, crisps, marinated pork, tender noodles, […]
Friday Flotsam
Fralemtime’s Fray! (just kidding don’t delete me from your life.) OKAY. (you’re like, oh no.) I want to ask you something serious, and I need to you mentally and emotionally prepare yourself for it. It’s a big ask. Your answer will violently stir and rumble your soul in a way you didn’t think possible. Here […]