Chicken Pesto Minestrone


Something is happening to my brain. And it’s starting to scare me. It all started with the most devastating news ever ever ever. Whitney. When I found out, of course I spent the next 36.5 hours cradling my laptop, glued to YouTube, singing along through unruly sobs to I Will Always Love You. And things […]

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Green Curry Chicken


These bowls right here? The ones in this picture? Oh – they are pretty cute, aren’t they? (T.J.Maxx. I KNOW.) But it’s what’s in them that can move mountains. Part seas. Launch rockets. Birth baby eagles. Tame frizzy hair. Celine Dion better MOVE OVER because I’m about to write the hittest of all hit songs […]

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Fresh Lobster with Potatoes and Corn


Well, that was. . . interesting. Aaron and I decided on having fresh lobster this year for our official Valentine’s meal, last September. (I like planning!) And yes sir, I mean buying the lobster ALIVE and cooking it ourselves. We experienced the whole rigamaroo 4.5 years ago when we were visiting family in Boston. And […]

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Simple Black Beans and Rice


I was going to wait and make this after Valentine’s day, but when I made the mistake of verbalizing the week’s list of potential dinners to Aaron, he interrupted me at “black beans and ri–” with, “YES. YES. MAKE THAT TODAY. I DON’T CARE ABOUT THE REST OF THE LIST. JUST MAKE BLACK BEANS AND […]

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Steak With Pesto Gnocchi


So, as bistro week continues (the only real thing I learned about the meaning of “bistro” is that I need to grow a mustache for true authenticity. DONE. And gross.) we’re having steak and potatoes! By the way, bistro week did in fact start on Monday with Aaron’s pasta, and then on Tuesday with soup, […]

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