The feta dip! AKA: the rest of your summer. Pardon me if I’m completely unhinged in this post, because I don’t think I realized just how insane this is. I don’t think you do either. A no-cook situation (besides toasted baguette but even that is optional when it comes down to it), and all the […]
Creamy Orecchiette with Corn and Basil
Another creamy pasta for you! Sorry? You’re welcome? Oh no? Yay? You pick. This one has CORN in it. BASIL in it. RED ONION in it. So there are multiple avenues of excitement to peruse today. And the cream – you can go full heavy whipping, you can go half and half, you can go […]
Asian Cucumber Salad
I’ve been wanting to make something like this for the blog FOREVUUUUUR. (Sandlot style) Well, pigeons, today’s the day. You see this type of crunchy cucumber salad all over the place. Can it be called a salad even? Sure. We’re doing it. It’s embarrassingly easy and you’ll need to peruse the pantry to throw this […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrewlewbewhew. Okay FIRST: this book. Mad Honey. I’m nearing page 200 and completely swallowed. I will say, I have yet to get to any twists, which SO many of you have excitedly prepared me. I’m trying to imagine what that would even look like. But it’s great. And frustrating. I mean I believe him! I’m […]
Creamy Lemon Spaghetti with Pancetta
Giiiiiiiirl. I got your new favorite summer spaghetti right here. Complete dreamboat situation. Lemony, garlicky, creamy, crisped pancetta! It’s the type of pasta that feels like you’re in another country. But in reality you’re actually just shoveling it into your pie hole over the stove in pajamas after a hot day at the pool like […]
Crispy Chicken Wraps with Tomatoes and Ranch Dressing
It’s summer in a wrap, bay-buh! And I’ll tell you this now, it’s everything you’ve ever needed. It has CRUNCH. It has cool and creamy. It has toasted tortillas. I don’t even need to mention the tomatoes and red onion, right? I’m telling you, summer perfection. Let us peepeth. I didn’t get a chance to […]
Friday Flotsam
Fffffffffffffffrit’s TAYLOR SWIFT DAAAAAAAAAY!!!! I’d like to formally extend a premature apology to all those around me today in a physical capacity. This girl is rested and rarin’ to go. But this is the thing. I can’t rightly focus. I’ve been unhealthily following the weather like a psycho (oh you would, too) and the rain […]
The Way It Is – Nightlight Sessions
Another summer, another song! You know our summer family tradition of traveling to Little Rock, Arkansas, where my parents live, along with my sister Barbara and her husband Dustin, and their girls Breckon and Leighton. I know you know this! I’m just telling you again. Want me to say all that one more time? Just […]
Burrata Cheese with Peaches, Honey and Baguette
How about the most gloriously simple summer appetizer of all time? Also, it’s cheese. If you’ve never had burrata, this is going to so killer for you. A brand new life opportunity. It’s a mozzarella, right? But you slice into it like a twin c-section (sorry, memories) and out oozes the creamiest cream you’ll ever […]
Roasted Shrimp Cocktail
If you take anything from this entire blog post, it’s that you should make this recipe. Ha! Oh. But REALLY really, it’s all about the spread. We do not mess around with happiness here, and this is so stellar you’ll want to punch something. Mayo, horseradish, finely chopped scallions, capers, a dash of hot sauce, […]