Archive | Italian

Chicken Enchilada Lasagna


This is basically my version of Lucy’s infamous Vitameatavegamin. But I’ll call mine Chickenchilasagnita. It’s so tasty too! Come hitherly hither. Could we just stop for a moment to discuss what’s happening in the next couple of photos? My cerebral cortex had no idea what was unfolding as my multi-fingered extremeties kept throwing stuff into […]

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Italian Sausage and Pepperoni Stromboli


I’m not even a little bit sorry. You know sometimes when you’re just doing your thing, like sweeping the living room floor and singing “Reflections” by the Supremes into the tip of the broom, and a random taste appears in your mouth out of nowhere, and you’re like WHAT IS THAT. WHAT. IS. THAT. And […]

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