Archive | Asian

Asian Chicken Burgers


There are two imperatively crucial subject matters that I must exclaim to all the lands right now. 1) Asian chicken burgers rule my face. 2) Steam from a tea pot burns the skin like a mother. Let’s start with the first subject matter. Has your mouth experienced an Asian chicken burger before? Guess how many […]

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Chinese Beef and Broccoli


So, the other night I decided to FaceTime with my younger sister. I touched the screen, heard a few techie beepidy beeps, and a moment later her little face appeared in my hand. (By the way, did you know phones DO THIS? Oh you did? Oh.) “What are you doing?” I asked. Without a single […]

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Soba Noodle Soup with Shrimp and Veggies


Need dinner on the table in a pinch? Need dinner on the table in a cinch? Need dinner on the table in a lrinch? Oh, you don’t know what a lrinch is? Oh, wow!  Well, it’s an….um….it’s this super……uuuh, they said it……well, it’s …. OH HEY LOOK OVER THERE! Weird, it’s gone now. I guess […]

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Pork and Shrimp Potstickers


Friday evening my husband skipped through the front door with a grin on his face the size of Delaware and an obscenely large new toy in his grip. He had just purchased . . . a mountain bike. Lord help me. You see, he just started training for an Xterra triathlon next summer, and has […]

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Chicken and Green Bean Stir-Fry


You need to know something about my husband. You don’t know how hard this is for me to tell you. I’m fully aware that this could be a deal-breaker. But just listen to me. And after you hear this, if you need to shut down your computer, go for a run, take a hot shower […]

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Coconut Chicken with Sauted Bok Choy


My parents are coming to visit us at the end of this week, and I know what you’re thinking. HIDE THE DRUG PARAPHERNALIA! To that I say, “don’t be silly!” I hid it last week. What this does mean for me is that the “Great Weidner Household Deep Clean” began today. And I’m not talking […]

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Chicken and Vegetable Fried Rice


Aaron wanted to cook tonight. Let me repeat that, AARON WANTED TO COOK. I gasped, teared up, and started doing the electric slide in my living room when he delivered the news. He’s a TERRIFIC cook. He really is. He just never gets the chance to perform in the kitchen since, A) he’s either too […]

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