Tag Archives | swiss chard

Beery Black Bean and Pork Soup


Come on girls. Do you believe in love? ‘Cause I got something to say about it. And it goes something like this. Oh wait. Wrong forum! Or is it? On second thought, I DO have something to say about this, and it goes something like this: Can we just put beer in everything already? Who’s […]

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Swiss Chard and Chickpea Stew with Tamarind


ANGELS WE HAVE HEAAAAAAAARD ON HIIIIIIIIGH. Okay so the world didn’t blow up. That’s good. I’m actually glad because last night Aaron and I went out to a nice dinner, and I have some major pimp leftovers in the fridge. I would have been peeeeeeeee-oooooooooh’d if any ashes got on them. This does however mean […]

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