Tag Archives | shrimp

Chipotle Shrimp Salad Bowls


What started out as a sinless, innocent puppy love back in my college years, hath quickly and destructively grown into a full-blown, no holds barred, unmanageable, MUST HAVE OR DAH, injurious addiction. Chipotle. I freaking love Chipotle. Like bawd. In our house, you can often hear things like this coming from our mouths. Me, “I’m […]

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Shrimp and Corn Pasta


Husbands. Whatever. I love how I can spend 417 hours a day in the barrels of food obsession, wrestling multiple brain aneurysms trying to dream up the pimpest recipe combinations, researching every last cobwebby corner of the webs and magazine pages until I’m blue in the face for a single speck of inspiration for the […]

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Cajun Shrimp Bisque


Story time! (heeeey now, there’s an ACCORDION in it.) I used to have a job that wasn’t related to food. I drove to a building. Sat at a desk. Hung out with human beings. Minimized chat windows and Facebook every time my boss walked by. Brushed my hair. When work slowed down this awesome woman […]

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