Tag Archives | ricotta

Homemade Ricotta

Homemade Ricotta / Bev Cooks

OMG. First, this is a journey for me. Much like Mary Oliver, pie crusts and my ever-growing brass mirror collection. A journey. (don’t look at me like that, Mindy.) Which means, I’ve not mastered it. But I had to document where I landed this week because still, STILL, it was unbelievably flooring. My ricotta (which […]

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Chocolate Ricotta Torte

Chocolate Ricotta Torte / Bev Cooks

Ricotta! Cheese! Cheese. It’s just great. I know you get (understandably) nervous when I bake. I get it. I do, too. But this turned out! It’s flourless, dense in a way, creamy in another, light in another, succulent in another, sinful in another. But don’t look at my cinnamon sprinkling abilities. It uh, got out […]

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Spinach, Mushroom and Ricotta Crepes

Spinach, Mushroom and Ricotta Crepes / Bev Cooks

Crepes! As in – the real deal. From scratch. From crepe scratch. Plus an obscene amount of melted mozzarella because these are the ridiculous decisions of my life. So, the other day I was watching Jacques Pépin on the PBS, and he was whipping up these beautiful, light, golden brown crepes lightning fast, while his […]

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Simple Banana Ricotta Pancakes

Processed with VSCOcam with a6 preset

Breakfast! And also, I lost my camera cord. You know the cord that attaches the camera to the computer so you can dump photos? Lost it. And it’s MAKING ME CRAZY. I use it almost every single day. It’s always in one spot! And now it’s completely gone. Vanished. Disappeared. This has twins written all […]

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Chicken, Spinach and Mushroom Manicotti


If you ask me, there’s a rumble of mighty confusion among the lands. And by lands, I mean my noggin. You know what, I’m just going to ask you. I asked the Google, but it only led me down a path of befuddlement and flask shopping. What’s the stinkin’ difference between manicotti and cannelloni? They’re […]

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Homemade Ricotta Cheese


So you know how we went to Arkansas last weekend for the holiday and I got that enormous tree log splinter stuck in my thigh? Well I have good news. We got the splinter out. And then we made cheese. And the cool thing was, the very tools and chemicals we used to get the […]

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