Tag Archives | potatoes

Pork Chop Casserole


DUDES. Is it okay if I call you dude? I call the babies dude. I think they like it. Matter of fact, I know they do because every time I say it they get a little pool of vomit right in the corners of their mouths. And if that’s not a sure sign of loving […]

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Simple Corn Chowder


Okay so, what’s the difference between a chowder and a soup? No, no. I’m actually asking. My fingers are too lazy to ask Dr. Google, so I’m asking you. I’m calling this a chowder since it has corn in it. And cream and potatoes. Okay I just looked it up. I’m basically right! Chowders are […]

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Bacon Flag Pizza {Tablespoon Tuesdays}

bacon flag pizza

“Oh, PFLAG. I’m beginning to like the sound of that.” Name that movie. Every time I look at this pizza I think of that quote. And of course it’s then followed by the utter embarrassment of what I’ve actually done here. I mean WHUT is this? I’ll tell you what it is, cheelah face. It’s […]

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