Tag Archives | lunch

Lobster Salad Lettuce Cups

Lobster Salad Lettuce Cups / Bev Cooks

You’re either going to think I’m complete trash by the end of this post, or you’ll love meh with your entire blistered soul. We’re not going to talk about how everything costs one million dollars right now. It’s outrageously frustrating. So I say, when the times get stupid, we eat imitation lobster and love every […]

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Poached Salmon Salad Sandwiches

Poached Salmon Salad Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

Wanna know what I dig most about end-of-summer grubbing? Helloooo, O U T S I D E O N C E A G A I N. The humidity has mostly vanished, the temperatures are crisping up, and picnics don’t sound so terrible and dreadful and disgusting and stabby and horrible and awful anymore. Yay! I […]

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Thai Turkey Lunch Wrap

Thai Turkey Lunch Wrap / Bev Cooks

I don’t really know why I call it Thai. The coconut? The coconut! This is a quick lunch that I’ve been making for a few months now, and it never occurred for me to put it on the blog until semi recently when my noggin woke up from a ding dong coma. DUH, you guys […]

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Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas

Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Don’t you just love all those words back to back? And yes I was tempted to type “pea-zas” but I like having human friends. Can I tell you how much my kids like kale? And I’m seriously not trying to be that obnoxious show-off mom who’s like, “Ohhhh your kids don’t like kaaaale because miiiiine […]

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Lentil, Kale and White Bean Salad


FAVORITE NEW LUNCH. Sorry to scream. So this sucks. (not the salad, but what I’m about to tell you.) A week before Labor Day I somehow hurt my ankle while running. I’m not sure when the exact moment was, because I don’t remember anything specifically happening during my run, like a snap, a crackle, or […]

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Queso Tuna Melt


This is just beyond ridiculous. And I mean ridiculous. You guys, I googled it to see if this was a popular combo because I’d never thought or heard of it before, and I think I invented it. I really think I did. BEVCOOKSQUESOTUNAMELTPATENTPENDINGISAIDITFIRST. You should have seen me though, trying to come up with this. […]

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