Tag Archives | kale

Tuscan Chicken Kale Salad

Tuscan Chicken Kale Salad / Bev Cooks

I’ve been dying to show you this recipe FOR LAHK, MONTHS. I make it almost every Monday night. Remember how I was in a habit of making Chicken Caesars every Monday night? We still do that from time to time, but I’ve been making THIS nutso Tuscan version for the better part of the summer […]

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Chicken and Chickpea Soup

Chicken and Chickpea Soup

This SOUPomg. First of all, sorry about going blog MIA last week. I always think, “I can totally travel and work!” Uhhh, I cannot totally travel and work. Nope nope nope. I get too wrapped up in all the moments and all the people and (all the wine), and I forget all about this little […]

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Egg, Potato and Ham Bake for Two

Egg, Ham and Potato Bake for Two / Bev Cooks

Oh, girl. I have an idea for your Mother’s Day breakfast and I want this to be any part, some part and all parts of it. Hashtag goat cheese? But this is the thing. You should know, this entire recipe was built around that small cast iron skillet casserole dish thingy. I’m a bona fide […]

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Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas

Mini Kale, Bacon and Pea Pizzas / Bev Cooks

Don’t you just love all those words back to back? And yes I was tempted to type “pea-zas” but I like having human friends. Can I tell you how much my kids like kale? And I’m seriously not trying to be that obnoxious show-off mom who’s like, “Ohhhh your kids don’t like kaaaale because miiiiine […]

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Green Spring Breakfast

Green Spring Breakfast / Bev Cooks

SPRING IS NEXT WEEK. (sorry to scream.) Do you remember in that one Gilmore Girls episode when Richard’s had a heart issue and he’s in the hospital, and Emily’s running around all distracted about FISH and the HOUSE and her JUMPSUIT and what not? And Lorelai’s all, “Mom, simmer it.” And Emily’s all, “WHAT, FISH […]

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Sausage and Kale Lasagna Roll Ups

Sausage and Kale Lasagna Roll Ups / Bev Cooks

It’s got kale in it, so we’re basically eating a salad. A salad with long silky strips of carbs, a rich cream sauce, Italian sausage and three kinds of cheese. So yeah, just like a salad. (stop shaking your head at me.) Roll ups! Everyone loves roll ups. Except I never know if it’s roll […]

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Creamy Pasta with Sausage and Kale

Creamy Pasta with Sausage and Kale / Bev Cooks

Easiest creamy pasta! Ever. Well, today. At least right now. I bet you’re craving those kinds of meals that make themselves. You’ve got a lot to do, man! All your Christmas shopping, baking, party planning, outfit-laying-out, eggnog gulping (<–I’ve never had proper eggnog, can you believe that? Is it grody? Would it give me chest […]

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Smokey Chili Mac Soup

Smokey Chili Mac Soup / Bev Cooks

Two more days until the official Slurpin’ Season begins! Everything I said just now was 100% true, except for the whole official part. So never mind everything I said just now. But you can still slurp if you want. You should slurp this! Let me tell you about it. I love this recipe. I had […]

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Sausage Meatballs with Kale and Creamy Polenta

Sausage Meatballs with Kale and Creamy Polenta / Bev Cooks

Siiiiimple simple simple. (also it’s simple.) This is my brand new all-time favorite meal of all time today right now. It may look all fancy face, but in reality, it’s just a plain ol’, delicious cinch to pull together. Three things happen. Let’s discuss. You’re excited, I can tell. You roast tomatoes. Cherry tomatoes. If […]

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