FFFFFFFFFFalkdsfjlkfdsjlkfdsjlksdflkjdsfjklIDAY. HAUNTINGS OF THAT BIG HILL HOUSE CRIB. Let’s discuss. Also, tons of spoilers in this, so skip to the next part if you have yet to watch it. Or hate ghosts. Or are a scaredy cat. We almost finished the sixth episode last night. And only because we kept falling asleep! I KNOW, I […]
Pork Chops with Sautéed Apples and Roasted Potatoes
With butter! There’s butter in this. Because fall. And life. I swear, this just may be the U-L-T-I-M-A-T-E in Autumn grubbage. I mean, we’ve got pork and apples, for crying out loud. With roasted potatoes. And cinnamon. HI. And it’s so easy! This is going to be your new flava fave. Let’s break it down. […]
Grilled Buffalo Chicken Wings
AT LAST! It’s here. Aaron’s famously deliciously ridiculously ludicrously supercalifragisldkfnsldfswhatever GRILLED Buffalo Chicken Waaangs are here. And it is worth the wait, promzee. Now, it IS a three-parter. But it’s not scary. And so festive. And perfect for this time of year. And it has beer in it. And you’ll love it. And it’s wonderful, […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRR ahhahahaha day. Okay, I had these weird dreams that I absolutely need to tell you about. Because then you can figure out what they mean and dream read me! Is “dream read” a thing? Let’s start with three nights ago. SO, Kevin Pearson from This Is Us was in it. Which didn’t suck. But! […]
Roasted Vegetable Grain Bowl with Kale Pesto
Another grain bowl! It’s my new life. You know this. It’s fine. But this time, my grain of choice is BARLEY. I almost typed barely. Barely bowls! There’s barely any barley, Bev! Never mind. Barley. I love barley. And I feel like it’s the type of grain that er’berdy has in their pantry. I mean, […]
Chicken and Mushroom Noodle Casserole
OH HEEEEEY, remember me? No? Really? Wait, REALLY? Oh. Well I have food for you. We all good now? Thought so. And it’s super fall-ish and cozy for your mouth! I knew you’d forgive me for being gone so long. It’s a casserole o’ chicken and mushroom and noodle glory. Let’s peep it. All the […]
Friday Flotsam
Fruder. Fluder. Fmuler. Fmulay. Frumay. Fruday. Friday. I HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS. Not really. But sort of! In a way. Actually, kind of! To some. I GOT THE NAVY BLAZER. Okay, almost. It’s arriving today! But I tried it on IN J.CREW when I had to take back the other one that made me look like […]
Roth’s New Snack Cheeses! Because I need another reason to eat cheese.
Haaaaaaaaaaaave you met Ted? Wait, that’s something else. Haaaaaaaaaaave you heard about Roth’s BRAND NEW SNACK CHEESES? (<—snack. cheese.) They’re here! And WARNING: your life is over. (I saw that smile.) Because hi, they’re individually-wrapped cheese bitey nibbles that come in not one, not two, but THA-REE flavors. Yep, the good news just keeps on […]
Dairy-Free Indian Cashew Chicken
NEWS FLASH: my husband can’t drink milk. And he doesn’t like cheese, but that’s a therapy session for another day. Thing is, this no-dairy-thing of his is a fairly recent discovery. As a kid, he always drank milk. That’s what you do as a kid, you drink milk. There’s Barbie doll, Star Wars, and a […]
Friday Flotsam
Flippidy DO DAH, flippidy DAY. Okay, so I have some updates! On things. On important, crucial life matters. . . . Like the navy blazer. (obvs.) Got one from J.Crew, and it is ADORABLE. Fits beautifully in the arms and shoulders, not too stiff. I don’t feel like a politician in it. But, it’s too […]