Toasted Ham and Cheese Croissant Sandwiches

Hot Ham and Cheese Crossiant Sandwiches / Bev Cooks

For Mother’s Day! These would be for Mother’s Day. This is my vision for your life. I never make croissant sandwiches at home. Matter of fact, I’ve never made CROISSANTS at home. Have you? I hear it’s just awful. Not the final product. But the process. Takes like 18 days, and you have to pay […]

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Friday Flotsam

charcuterie board

FAAAAALFALRALRALDALDAL day. Dude I had the worst dream just now. Just right now before I woke up this morning. Like an hour ago. Worst dream. It was one of those anxiety dreams, you know, like when you’re on campus but you have no idea where your classroom is, or when the test is, or where […]

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Cheesy Vegetable Gratin

Cheesy Vegetable Gratin / Bev Cooks

I’m calling it a gratin because of the layering. And the cheese. You can call it a bake if you want! Or a gratin. Or just awesome. This is one of those side dishes that you’d probably have anyway, but not like this. And I want you to have it like this. Because this is […]

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Friday Flotsam

spring blooms

FLLLLLLLLLLLOTSAM COME ON DOOOOOOOWWWWWWN. Were you a latchkey kid? Do you remember latchkey kids? Do we still call them latchkey kids? As in, you got home after school and your parents weren’t there until hours later? After THEIR work day was over. Was that you? Did you absolutely love it? I never grew up that […]

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Tandoori Chicken with Israeli Couscous

Tandoori Chicken Thighs with Israeli Couscous / Bev Cooks

GIRL. Okay. I don’t beg very often. You know this. And I’m hardly EVER overly dramatic about ANYTHING EVER IN THE WORLD EVER. You also know this. But. I’m going to force you to make this Tandoori chicken. It is beyond easy, so there are zero excuses, and out-of-this-world amazing. Like, stupid good. And I […]

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Slow Roasted Tomato and Mushroom Pizzas

Roasted Tomato and Mushroom Pizzas / Bev Cooks

I figured it was HIGH TIME I gave you some proper pizza now that it’s April. Not that anytime before April is a bad time for pizza. Gosh naw. I just mean that I’ve not posted or talked about pizza in months and months, and it’s like, WHO AM I. The sun is out. The […]

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Friday Flotsam

tulip trees

FFFFFFFFFFFslkdfjslkfjsldjfiday. I have something to tell you. And I’m not sure how you’ll take it, truthfully. I mean, it’s hefty. Scary. Big. It’s something I’ve kept hidden deep in the chambers of my soul cavity for nearly 20 years. Only a handful of close friends knew of this darkness within me. Them, and the handfuls […]

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