Frrrrrrrrrrrolodolodolodo! I’ve decided I cannot handle mirrored sunglasses. Not on me, not on you, not on anyone. They’re so stressful! Listen, a little bit of reflection is okay, but have you really stopped and thought about the way you feel when you’re in a conversation with someone wearing sunglasses that have a piercingly yellow mirror […]
Rigatoni with Roasted Tomatoes, Arugula and Bacon
Let’s have pasta! But like, with bacon. (I felt the collective perk-up.) But listen, we’re also violently throwing in some arugula so it could really pass for a salad. Don’t quote me on that. This is one of those meals that falls under whatever theme I came up with at the beginning of the year. […]
My Trip To Israel: Part One
I went to Israel! Which is probably obvious based on the title of the blog post and just how often I blabbed about it over the last thirty days. I told myself, “Keep it to twenty photos, Bev!” I’m hilarious. Let’s take a look at the first two days of the trip! This whole adventure […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrruluuuudeeedaaaaadiddledeedooooo! WHEW. Guilty. I mean we knew it. We knew it was coming. But it was SO SATISFYING to watch the woman say the words out loud, and live. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. The micro crinkle of his lips. The slight nod. He knew it, too. But it mainly reminded me when and where I was […]
Monthly Mixtape: I Need To Feel Like I’m In a Jane Austen Movie
March! Happy month of peacin’ OUT, winter. (<–that made more sense in my head) We won’t even try to fix it. It’s close enough. Ahhhhh March. She’s a tricky son of a b, but I’ll still take her. The month of organizing the mental garden plan. The month of (weather-permitting) patio hangs watching the madness […]
Broccoli Cheddar Chicken Puff Pastry Pie
I tried to include all the words in the English language, basically. Is it a pot pie? Is it a casserole? Is it in your face t-minus eight hours? (this is where you select C for all of the above.) Thing is, I’ve had a puff pastry sheet in my freezer since Watergate, and have […]
Friday Flotsam
FrrrrrrrrrrrrrI’m baaaack! Whether you like it or not. I have so many Israel stories to share with you, but I’ll save that for later. For NOW I’d like to report that I exercised enormous restraint and didn’t purchase any of the above. I know you wanted me to. I looked for rugs. I looked for […]
Pepperoni and Artichoke Heart Pizza
I’m about to officially leave the country and head to ISRAEL (!) today, but I feel like you need some pizza first. You need some pizza, right? You really do. Aside from making your own dough, this could easily be slapped under the “dern tootin’ easy” category. You’ll chop up some artichoke hearts, you’ll grate […]
Friday Flotsam
Frrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrri! d.a.y. ! I’ve been living a lie. And truly, there’s no better time to come clean about it than now. I’m sure the uproar will be fierce. The disbelief deep. The disappointment everlasting. I don’t know how to even face you with this. I can barely look at myself in the mirror. My own […]
Brothy Beans with Crusty Bread
I don’t know how brothy beans aren’t considered life’s greatest hack, but I’m here to proclaim it here and now. First of all, they go with anything. ANYTHING. Chicken, sausages, steaks. I served mine with bacon and pineapple chicken sausages and there was not a dry eye in the house. Secondly, they take a handful […]