Braised Chicken in a Tomatillo Sauce


So, I’ve rearranged a few priorities in my life. Oh, no no – listening to Wilson Phillips on repeat is still at the top. As well as honing my breakdancing in a giant eggshell costume craft. I’ve not gone off the deep end or anything, YOU GUYS. I’ve just decided to braise things more often. […]

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Gourmet Chili Dogs


I’m pretty sure this recipe is the biggest oxymoron ever. And quite possibly the most freaky delicious oxymoron that’s going to knock your face into next Tuesday. Last week on the Facebooks and Twitters I asked you if I should make these here chili dogs. And then my accounts exploded due to little red notifications […]

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Dinosaur Kale, Tomato and White Bean Soup


I know. I’ve been on quite the kale kick lately. Oh! Let’s start a band. The Kale Kicks. I’ll play bass. Have you ever seen this kind of kale before? Dinosaur kale? It’s flatter and more rich in color compared to the limey-er green curly kale I showed you on Friday. And it has little […]

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Pork Kebabs with Apples and Potatoes


Excuse me but, where’s winter? I’ve looked under the bed, on the side of the house and in my purse and I’m not seeing it. I even looked at our Kansas City long range forecast and there’s like, no sign of the old man. I’ve always wanted to say “long range.” I feel so grown […]

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Slow Cooker Thai Chicken Noodle Soup


Sluuuuuuurp. Slurp, slurp, slurp. Slurpidy slurp. Oh, hi! Don’t mind me. I’m just slurping my way into 2012. I am wearing a bib though. It’s cool. Did you make any resolutions for the new year? Me either. Resolutions freak me out. If I make them I get all panicked and think, “well, I better get […]

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