Archive | Vegetarian

Vegetarian Mexican Salad Boats


Row, row, row your boat, gently down the. . .plate. So, I can’t decide if it’s really really sad or really really awesome that the only Oscar nominated movie I’d seen was Bridesmaids. And on top of that, I can’t decide if it’s really really embarrassing or really really sweet that I got 14 lumps […]

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White Spinach Cheese Dip


So it’s 1986. I’m 10 years old, and my sister Barbara is 6. We’d just moved to the sweaty armpit of the UNIVERSE, Hobbs, New Mexico and were getting settled into our new lifestyle which involved tumbleweeds, fake red cowboy boots from the Walmart and a crimp iron. Not known to be shy, (WEIRD!) Bar […]

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Vegetarian Football Pizzas


Some things in life just aren’t in my control. Things like death and taxes. Things like natural disasters, plagues and famine. Things like accidentally finding myself at Pryde’s foaming at the mouth over a football-shaped cookie cutter so that I can make ridiculous football pizzas in order to feel festive in my little life. Out […]

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Spinach and Edamame Salad


Before we spiral into the vortex of chest hair-growing, involuntary grunting, crotch-scratching and Arsenio Hall arm-pumping-style dude food this week, we need to prepare our stomach cavity. We need to massage it and stretch it. We need to put a damp towel around its shoulders and squirt cold water into it. Give it pep talks, […]

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Red Quinoa Quiche


Hi. You know me. I like to stick weird things in food. Not that quinoa is weird or anything! But red quinoa? Who the what the where the when the how? Actually red quinoa isn’t weird at all either. Now, if the red quinoa was wearing a tutu, a French beret and jumping on a […]

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