Archive | Vegetarian

Grilled Veggie Naan Pizzas


I bet naan of you saw this coming, did ya? OHHHH, so sorry. So bad. So bad it’s good. So good it’s bad. So bad it’s bad. I’m confused. It’s been 25 seconds since I’ve posted a pizza, so obviously I’m behind schedule. And this one is veggotron loaded, so there’s no excuse in not […]

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Summer Spaghetti Salad


The dog days aren’t overrrrrr, the dog days aren’t done. The horses ain’t even coming, so you don’t have to run! Do you see what I did there? I changed the lyrics because we’re still in the dog days. The dog days of summer. They’re not over yet. And I’m betting Florence and her Machine […]

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Strawberry Pastry Bites


O BEAUUUUUTIFUL FOR SPAAAACIOUS SKIES, FOR AMBER WAVES OF GRAAAAAIN. Oh, hey. I made dessert! But it’s a Bev-style dessert, where there’s no crying or sweating involved. It’s nothing like this grilled sponge cake I had to make for a client yesterday and omgomgomg, I was a hot mess. All the folding of egg whites […]

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Goat Cheese Tomato Pie {Tablespoon Tuesdays}


I’m sorry. Maybe I need to say it again. GOAT CHEESE TOMATO PIE. Hunay chawwwwl. Obviously my favorite part of this dish is the cheese. The buckets of piles of mountains of goat and mozzarella and parmesan cheese. But honestly, aside from the cheese, I think my favorite part of this dish are the thinly […]

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