Archive | Soup

Steak and Black Bean Chili

Steak and Black Bean Chili / Bev Cooks

I see your traditional chili and I RAISE YOU THIS MUTHA. Chili powder? Zilch. Cumin? Nada. Can of beans soaked in chili whatever whatever? Naw. THIS. This is epic. Totally unexpected. Beyond exceptional. Exquisitely special. And the chili’s pretty good, too. BAHA HA HAH A hha h a a haha ha  a a   hahah  aaa. […]

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Smokey Chili Mac Soup

Smokey Chili Mac Soup / Bev Cooks

Two more days until the official Slurpin’ Season begins! Everything I said just now was 100% true, except for the whole official part. So never mind everything I said just now. But you can still slurp if you want. You should slurp this! Let me tell you about it. I love this recipe. I had […]

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Corn and Mushroom Ramen Bowls

Corn and Mushroom Ramen Bowls / Bev Cooks

I’m still trying to find ways to stick summer in soup. And I’d call this one a dern success. First of all, it’s fresh corn! When it’s July and hot and blazin’ hot and very hot and summer and July and hot in July you use fresh corn. It’s mandatory for your health and personal […]

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Summer Chicken Soup with Pinto Beans and Corn

Summer Chicken Soup wtih Pinto Beans and Corn / Bev Cooks

Summer slurpin’! It happens. Yes, it’s soup. And yes, it’s 86 kazillion degrees outside. But I can’t rightly care, because there’s so much summer in this soup! Plus pinto beans. I’m really into pinto beans lately. Remember when I made slow cooker burritos with them? Well, they’re BACK, but in a soup. This soup. The […]

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Pork Ramen Noodle Bowls

Pork Ramen Noodle Bowls / Bev Cooks

Will you punch me if I say the slurping is real? I’m sort of falling apart over this soup. Within the short span of an hour, this here concoction landed a high profile spot in our heavy meal rotation. Not that the meals are heavy! The rotation is. Heavy rotation of meals. I guess some […]

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Spaghetti and Meatball Soup

Spaghetti and Meatball Soup / Bev Cooks

First recipe of the year! Of course we’re slurpin’. Spaghetti and Meatball Soup. You guys, I thought I was inventing something BRAND NEW to the world, until I googled it and saw exactly 2934834674234o352y3248347342 recipes for it. Oh. But! As I sifted through a few recipes, I found that they really ranged from WAY SIMPLE […]

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Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup

Creamy Sausage and Kale Soup / Bev Cooks

I don’t think we’ve slurped enough this season. Usually I say this next sentence towards the end, but I just can’t rightly deal with suffering in silence that long. I cannot WAIT for you to make this soup! It has everything. Yesyesyesyesyesyes. (<–name that character) Sausage (yes), mini pasta (hurts), rustic fire-roasted tomatoes (heavens), cream […]

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Rustic Tomato and Italian Sausage Soup


Winner winner, Rustic Tomato and Italian Sausage Soup dinner. How about, I’m already giving you another sausage recipe. Wanna make something of it? Er, with it? Like a huge ol’ trough of comforting winter soup? I knew you’d forgive me.   I’d thought I’d change up my regular fave soup with kale and sausage, and […]

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