Archive | Rice

Braised Chicken in a Tomatillo Sauce


So, I’ve rearranged a few priorities in my life. Oh, no no – listening to Wilson Phillips on repeat is still at the top. As well as honing my breakdancing in a giant eggshell costume craft. I’ve not gone off the deep end or anything, YOU GUYS. I’ve just decided to braise things more often. […]

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Vanilla Bean and Nutmeg Rice Pudding


No, no. You’re at the right place. (But that’s dessert…) You’re right! And I made it. (No…..) Oh yes. This is my kind of dessert, tootsie. No baking required. A carafe of heavy cream and milk. Rice for days. Hints of nutmeg and little surprises of vanilla bean dots in your mouth. (Is she for […]

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DIY Rice Sack Heating Pads


I’m a pretty jank seamstress. The worst actually. But I can’t stop making these rice sack heating pad thingies. I was given one years ago as a gift and haven’t been able to survive a single second without one since. I’ve made about 3,526 of them in the last 2 years. No joke. They rule […]

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Chicken Diablo


Um, excuse me but, who is this. . .Diablo? Does he have a mustache? Does he ride a motorbike? Does he have pointy little horns sticking out of his head and a long spiky tail snaking out of his expensive Spanish linen pants? Did you know that “diablo” means DEMON? I found this out today. […]

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Chinese Beef and Broccoli


So, the other night I decided to FaceTime with my younger sister. I touched the screen, heard a few techie beepidy beeps, and a moment later her little face appeared in my hand. (By the way, did you know phones DO THIS? Oh you did? Oh.) “What are you doing?” I asked. Without a single […]

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Butter Chicken


Butter Chicken. Say it out loud with me. Butter Chicken. Didn’t your mouth feel so happy just now? You can’t say “butter chicken” without the rumble of a school-girl squeal in your belly followed by the eruption out of your face. This was the first time I’ve ever made butter chicken. And it all started […]

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Indian-Spiced Braised Chicken


I remember it like it was yesterday. But it was many, MANY moons ago when bestie Laura surprised me with a subscription to the super cute pocket-sized Martha Stewart magazine, Everyday Food. I remember the day the first issue arrived in the mail. I jumped around in our basement apartment living room for exactly 15 […]

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Stuffed Peppers, Baby!


I’m drawn to red sauces. Well, red food in general. But I guess most red food is in sauce form. Right? I mean, other than red peppers and tomatoes, what else is red? OH, fruit. Apples, raspberries and strawberries. Those are red. And I can dig all of that, too. But if I want to […]

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Fiesta Chicken and Rice Bake


Imma bout to jump in the car and skiddly daddle south, but before I do, I have to share this dish with you. This is another pantry purge meal, with frozen chicken breasts, wild rice, a few peppers from the garden and a hodgepodge of molding vegetables from the fridge. Oh you guys, the vegetables […]

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