Tag Archives | salad

Roasted Chickpea Salad

Roasted Chickpea Salad / Bev Cooks

Another summer side dish! In the series. The Summer Side Dish Series. Ya know? Ya know. Also, these chickpeas are roasted. Not like, aggressively. Just enough to give it a lil’ crrrrrrrnch. Just like that. No vowels. It also has cucumbers (more crunch!), tomatoes, red onion (crunch crunch!) and some vibrant herbs that will send […]

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Broccoli and Bacon Salad

Bacon and Broccoli Salad / Bev Cooks

This salad sounds like an oxymoron. Right?? Ha! Never mind. It’s a classic. It really is. The only thing I didn’t a little differently was to amp up my creamy dressing a bit. A ton of lemon juice + poppy seeds + Greek yogurt. I feel like you’re really going to be into this. Don’t […]

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Mediterranean Bean Salad

Mediterranean Bean Salad / Bev Cooks

Let’s eat some beans! (my eight year olds would insert a toot emoji, if there was such a thing.) Spring is in ten days. Not that we’d even know it with the five-to-seven inches of snow falling outside my window at this very moment. But let’s say it together just to feel something inside our […]

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My Go-To Steak Salad

My Go-To Steak Salad / Bev Cooks

Salad on a Sunday! Sunday Salads, Sister! I’m still working on the name. I’ve been debating on whether or not to post this salad (for about three weeks now), because everyone’s fridge situation is vastly different. So much baking these days. So many pantry-focused dinners. Lots of slow cooker. SO MUCH PORRIDGE, you guys. Buuuuuuut […]

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