Tag Archives | ricotta

Chocolate Ricotta Torte

Chocolate Ricotta Torte / Bev Cooks

Ricotta! Cheese! Cheese. It’s just great. I know you get (understandably) nervous when I bake. I get it. I do, too. But this turned out! It’s flourless, dense in a way, creamy in another, light in another, succulent in another, sinful in another. But don’t look at my cinnamon sprinkling abilities. It uh, got out […]

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Spinach, Mushroom and Ricotta Crepes

Spinach, Mushroom and Ricotta Crepes / Bev Cooks

Crepes! As in – the real deal. From scratch. From crepe scratch. Plus an obscene amount of melted mozzarella because these are the ridiculous decisions of my life. So, the other day I was watching Jacques Pépin on the PBS, and he was whipping up these beautiful, light, golden brown crepes lightning fast, while his […]

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Simple Banana Ricotta Pancakes

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Breakfast! And also, I lost my camera cord. You know the cord that attaches the camera to the computer so you can dump photos? Lost it. And it’s MAKING ME CRAZY. I use it almost every single day. It’s always in one spot! And now it’s completely gone. Vanished. Disappeared. This has twins written all […]

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Chicken, Spinach and Mushroom Manicotti


If you ask me, there’s a rumble of mighty confusion among the lands. And by lands, I mean my noggin. You know what, I’m just going to ask you. I asked the Google, but it only led me down a path of befuddlement and flask shopping. What’s the stinkin’ difference between manicotti and cannelloni? They’re […]

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Homemade Ricotta Cheese


So you know how we went to Arkansas last weekend for the holiday and I got that enormous tree log splinter stuck in my thigh? Well I have good news. We got the splinter out. And then we made cheese. And the cool thing was, the very tools and chemicals we used to get the […]

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Heavenly Stuffed Shells Stuffed With Heaven


Mama. Mia. Mother of the babies that drink the morning dew. If there is one thing truly meant for you to do in this life and on this planet, it is to take an afternoon and make stuffed jumbo shells. STUFFED JUMBO SHELLS. Wonderfully large pasta shells filled to the rim with fluffy ricotta, velvety […]

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