
I’m about to ruffle so many feathers, but I just gotta say something.
Let’s stop doing this to donuts. Donuts were fineeeee the way they were. I’d like to propose an indefinite pause on all the bedazzling to these poor things. A simple glazed donut is perfection. Maybe dusted with cinnamon in the fall. And go ahead and stuff one the longer ones with cream, that’s fine. But nothing else, okay? There’s just no need for all the weird colors and the strange toppings and the off-the-damn-wall flavors. There isn’t. A donut need not proveth a single thing to us. It was brilliant as is.
Yes my Andy Rooney is showing, but I can’t help it.
Please tell me I’m not in this camp all alone. Surely not. Surely not!

Speaking of, my IG algorithm is hilarious these days. I can scroll for ten minutes and I’ll see no less than five perimenopause skits or funny memes.
I mean, I GET IT. I’m looking up the nostrils of 48. And I had my yearly bloodwork and physical this week with my doc (all is 100% well!), and guess what – peri was the main topic! That was suuuper awesome.
Besides peri videos, I am fed nothing but, well, food videos, hair mister videos, English garden videos, home renovations and pretty room videos, cherry pie videos and Taylor. Ha!
And the occasional puppy spa video because I’m not dead inside.
Tell me, what does your algorithm feed you? I’m always hesitant to watch a video I’m sent because if I watch the entire thing it TOTALLY CHANGES what I’m fed! Can’t have that.
And do not send me a bedazzled donut video or there will be a price to pay.
(now a bedazzled bagel video? all in.)

Things you don’t actually love to hear your children say:
Natalie, “Mom! We figured out a way to breathe under water.”
Will, “Mom, I just figured out how to give myself a homemade tattoo.”
How about we not, guys. How about . . . we not.

Nat’s getting her ears pierced today!! She and her bestie Willa are going together this afternoon to celebrate Willa’s 10th birthday this weekend. We’re doing the whole thing: ears pierced, boba tea, sleepover. The works. You knooooow I’ll be posting some in Stories later.
Two other big projects for me this weekend are painting the frame of a thrifted mirror I got for our patio. Remember when I asked about letting in all the bad spirits if I hang a mirror out there? Bahahahaha. Oh, internet. Well I’m doing it! I ordered some (highly recommended) gold paint which arrives today so I’m making it happen this weekend. I’ll post a photo later on, hun.
ALSO, I’m making a homemade cherry pie this weekend, completely from scratch. This video hooked me instantly (maybe it’s her voice?) and I decided I’m absolutely doing it. Ordered the cherry pitter, starting the dough today, attempting the lattice work, everything. Also I think I might add a touch of vanilla to the cherry filling. Is that a good idea? Tell me that’s a good idea.
ALSO my friend Kate and I decided we’re going to make our own vanilla extract because the prices of real vanilla are dumb. Dumb!

Weekend plans?
Besides the above, a little estate saling this morning, a little garden and yard tidying, some pizza-on-a-patio tomorrow night, and progress in Girls in the Stilt House. That’s all she wrote! She = me. Never mind.
From this week – did you see my Farfalle with Pancetta, Pine Nuts and Arugula? Hoooney child. Here’s that video, too. Super quick, unbelievable flavor. Also I posted this reel earlier, and I’d love for it to get a little more love today. It’s one of my favorites, and features Cakebread wine. Hello, it’s like living in an Elin novel! Do that check that out, sugar.
I mean, we’re all solidly against a bedazzled donut, right?
. . . hello?
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