Tag Archives | red onion

Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia

Sundried Tomato and Rosemary Focaccia / Bev Cooks

OooooooWEE! Yes we’re baking bread in the middle of summer, and it’s wonderful. I say “middle of summer” – when technically summer starts this week. What’s the solstice? 20th? 21st? Hold on, let me look. 20th! So we’re having summer solstice focaccia. My grand plan all along. We’ve made a lot of bread on this […]

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Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

It’s Health Food Thursday! Because that’s a totally real thing that I just made up right now three seconds ago. This is a Greek Lentil and Tuna salad, yewguyz. And I’m kind of flipping out over it. A little while back I was chitty chat chattin’ with you about what you’d like to see more […]

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Pizza with Pesto Sausage, Spinach and Onion


What has it been, 26 seconds since I’ve shown you pizza? Too long. And okay, while this isn’t really anything RECIPEISH or GROUND BREAKING or ONE MORE WORD THAT I COULD SCREAM AT YOU, it’s still dinner and I didn’t have to stand up too long to make it. I win! Do you even want […]

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Corn and Tomato Sauté Pizza


Why yes there is a giant bite missing from that one bottom right piece. Oops? Okay, I have a few things to say. Does that make you nervous? 1) Um, t-h-a-n-k-y-e-w-a-l-l for the sweet and awesome well wishes on my b-day last week! Social media sure does know how to make a gal feel eempartunt. […]

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Tuscan Tuna and White Bean Salad


Don’t even think about turning on that oven! That was my super nauseating announcer-y voice, could you tell? Did you just get the urge to throw your laptop in front of a semi-truck and set yourself on fire? It worked! Speaking of fire, I just got my new glasses in yesterday and they are booooooss. […]

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