Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad

It’s Health Food Thursday! Because that’s a totally real thing that I just made up right now three seconds ago.

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

This is a Greek Lentil and Tuna salad, yewguyz. And I’m kind of flipping out over it.

A little while back I was chitty chat chattin’ with you about what you’d like to see more of on this here internet blog website URL. And a few came back with, “more health stuff!” So here we go, kittens. More health stuff.

That was pretty nasty that I called you kittens just now.

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

Lentils. Glorious black toothy lentils of delight. I prefer these (and French green!) over the more-common, pale green lentils you see everywhere. Why? I dunno. They’re gutsy. They don’t fall apart as fast. They hold up between your teeth and look fabulous in a salad. They balance your checkbook and fold your laundry. (<–don’t quote me on that.)

Next time you’re in the hippy section at your store, ask about black or French green lentils. Ariel will straight up AH AH AHHHHHH out of your face when you discover.

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

So the salad! It’s tuna fish (you can use any kind you love. I’d had a jar of fancy tuna in my pantry since Woodstock, so I used that.), toasted almonds, thinly sliced red onion, diced cucumber, tons of mint, and a minty yogurt drizzle all swirled in. Ludicrously simple. You can boil your lentils on Monday morning, let them cool, then add your tuna to the mix. And each day at lunch time, just toss in your filler!

You could eeeeven toast your almonds on Monday morning, too.

And dice the cucumber on Monday morning, too.

And make your mint yogurt on Monday morning, too.

Then you just mix it together when your tummy screameth.

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

I will definitely never say the words “tummy screameth” ever again.

Feel free to add in some halved cherry tomatoes, as well. Or if you loathe tuna, try diced chicken! Or even pan-fried tofu if that’s more your steez.

AND, you can make the salad as dressing-y as you want. Just keep adding and stirring the yogurt biz into the salad until it’s slightly creamy, but not overwhelming. AH AH AHHHHHHH AH AH AHHHHHHHHHH. (<–that’s Ariel again.)

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

Health Food Thursday! PATENT PENDING.

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad
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  • 1 cup black lentils (or your favorite lentil)
  • 4-6 oz canned or jarred best quality tuna fish, drained
  • half a cucumber, seeded and diced
  • 1/3 cup toasted, sliced almonds
  • 1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion (a mandolin works great!)
  • 1 (6 oz) container Greek yogurt
  • juice from half a lime
  • 2 tsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 cup mint leaves
  • coarse salt


  1. Cook the lentils in boiling water until tender, but not mushy, about 20 minutes. Drain and set aside in a large bowl to cool.
  2. In a small food processor, blend the yogurt, lime juice, olive oil, and half the mint until smooth.
  3. To the bowl, add the tuna, diced cucumber, almonds, red onion and remaining mint. Season with a good pinch of salt, and swirl the dressing in. Add just enough to coat everything and make it slightly creamy, but not too, too creamy. You’ll know.
  4. Serve it all to your face!
  5. Makes about 4 lunch servings.

Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad / Bev Cooks

Who wants a brownie?



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10 Responses to Greek Lentil and Tuna Salad

  1. Brittany | Words Like Honeycomb August 25, 2016 at 7:31 am #
    The mint intrigues me!! Although, hey, it saves brushing your teeth after that tuna ;) yay for #healthfoodthursday (<it needed a hash) !!!
  2. Claudia August 25, 2016 at 10:18 am #
    You're a hoot, Bev. "I will definitely never say the words “tummy screameth” ever again." Too funny. Found you looking for a hatched chili sauce. Tried it. Killer. So happy to be included in your tribe of irreverent foodies.
  3. Karen @ Seasonal Cravings August 25, 2016 at 4:43 pm #
    I can't believe this is the first time I stepped foot in your blog. You. Are. Funny. I mean so fun to read. Love it! I will be coming back for more, for sure. And your food looks awesome too. XO
  4. anna @ annamayeveryday August 26, 2016 at 10:31 am #
    That salad looks fab, I guess I'll have that and then the brownie....
  5. Platt College August 29, 2016 at 7:53 pm #
    This is a great twist on the tuna salad. delish!
  6. Ava May 2, 2017 at 6:57 pm #
    This recipe rocks! I used pre-cooked lentils from Trader Joe's and a can of salmon I had. I also took the lazy one bowl route and just mixed dressing in with other ingredients and it was delicious! Really good recipe foundation for substitutes - thank you!
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