Um, yeah. So this might sort of ruin you so good. Because it’s that one meal that no matter which way you look at it, you can’t kick it out of your mouth. You can’t. And because I was feeling a bit nostalgic whilst listening to some Alanis Morrisette the other day, I added baby […]
Monthly Mixtape: Snowflakes and Honey
Happy February! …five days in. And don’t look at me like that – this mixtape is the furthest from over-the-top sap. Matter of fact, it’s hardly about love or loving or lovers at all! (minus Gillian’s song My First Lover, which isn’t even romantic, but simply incredible and everyone must store this song somewhere in […]
Friday Flotsam
FrarDEE FRI. (<–do you ever tire of these? didn’t think so.) SO GUESS WHAT! (just jumping right in.) We officially booked our Oregon summer home! Which, when I say “Oregon summer home,” I realize that it sounds like I’m all Midge Maisel with one hand swooping up into the air as I clutch a little […]
Buttermilk-Brined Cornish Game Hens with a Rustic Kale Gratin
Another Valentine’s Day meal that I’m forcing upon you! Also, these hens are upside down. I’m just getting this out of the way right here, right now. I roasted them upside down. You may now kick me out of the blogosphere and life. The embarrassing thing is, this almost happened at Thanksgiving, too! Carolyn and […]
Creamy Orecchiette Turkey Bolognese
Or your new lover. Whatever. I know what you’re thinking. TURKEY? Why turkey? It’s so blah. So lifeless! Why WOULD YOU FORCE THIS ON HUMANITY??? And I know this is what you’re thinking because when I posted a teaser for this in my IG Stories, a number of you said those exact words. Minus the […]
Friday Flotsam
FAHRAHDAYAYOLO. Who else here thinks, “La! A note to follow so” is a little bit of a cop out? I mean, come on. Up until that point we have a female deer, a drop of golden sun, a name I call myself, a long long way to run, a needle pulling thread, and then – […]
Kale Salad with Roasted Sardines and White Beans
Aaaaand all of my followers just abandoned me forever. Actually, I’d be willing to put down TWO ENTIRE WASHINGTONS and bet there are more sardine lovers out there than we think. Eh? Are there? Hello? WHERE MY SARDINIES AT. (I promise never to say “sardinies” ever again.) This is the thing. Sardines are a regular […]
Buffalo Chicken Squares
See this is why I can’t watch sports. Mainly because 97% of the time, I have zero idea who’s on first and what’s on second and what match is this and why are they wearing fanny packs on their butts and where can I get one? But mostly, because WHEN I watch, the team loses. […]
Friday Flotsam
Fa! Ri! Fl! Ot! Da! Y! Sa! M! You want to know what I’m sick of? Hotels. Wait! Hear me out on this. Hotels. MASSIVE, posh, too-expensive, froo froo hotels. It’s not that I think they’re BAD. Because they’re definitely not an awful place to be. I’m no animal. It’s just . . . . […]
Broccoli, Cheese and Rice Casserole
So I kept it classic! Sort of. A little bit. With a smidge of embellishments. But nothing weird. Maybe. Actually, I feel the need to tell you straight up immediately this second that there IS a can of condensed soup in this. Don’t delete me from your life! I couldn’t help it. When I read […]