FLIBBERS FLOOBERS FRIDDERS DAY. My nose always itches when I run the kitchen sink water. Isn’t that weird? Always. I’ll be gearing up to tackle the dishes, completely fine, itch free, and then I flip the water on, and as soon as the water + soap touches my hands and begins to lather, my nose […]
Cold Crab Dip with Crusty Baguette
Do you know how many times I had to double check to make sure I put a b instead of a p? OH, YOU WOULD, TOO. Um, I have the fanciest, easiest, most exquisite but not intimidating crab dip for your Memorial Day weekend. And I’m serious. It’s the type of dip that you make […]
Our Back Patio Brings Exactly Two Boys to the Yard.
At last! Our back patio. The post on our back patio. My back patio post. I’ve been soooo excited to share all of the beautiful outdoor furniture pieces and patio accessories that my lover Article gifted us last month. You know I wanted to get this up earlier, but it’s been raining for 57 months […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRee! Tree. Tri. Dri. Di. Fri. Day. You know how people always say, “Sorry to beat a dead horse.” That old phrase, ya know? Where did that come from? It’s so dark! And awful. How does one just throw that visual out there all casually in conversation? And why a horse? Who came up with […]
How I Get My Tighter Curls. AKA: My Attempt to Look Like Meg Ryan.
WARNING: You are about to view an onslaught of nostril photos and there is nothing I can do to prepare you besides this warning that I just typed out. It is like Carlsbad Caverns on my face, you guys. Proceed with caution. Okay, and just a reminder: I’m not a millennial style blogger so awkward […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFrah rah ree ree roo roo day. I mean day! Okay. I decided that one of my least favorite things in life is the sound of an electrician or plumber. Like, the noises they make from a room away. It gives me such anxiety! I need to be AWAY from it all, I’ve decided. You […]
Vegetarian Meatballs with Grilled Bread
“THIS ONE GOES OUT TOOOO THE HERBIVOOORES.” (<–sang like R.E.M.) “THIS ONE GOES OUT TOOOO THE ONE WHO HATES THE MEAAAAAT.” I can chill. Like, there’s not even parmesan in them. Only on top of the sauce, so if you left that out, they’re even vegan! (minus the egg. forgot about the egg.) Not that […]
Spaghetti with Sausage, Spinach and Panko
Your new favorite way to inhale the spaghetti! Don’t x out. You’re probably like, “Spaghetti? Okay, we eat this once a week and I’ve got it down. How is this different? And you look radiant by the way.” Just kidding about that last part. Let me TELL you what makes this version better. Because it […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFRRRRRRRRRRRRoooohah! So we need to talk. Real talk. Life talk. Serious stuff. Woman to woman. Er, fingertips to eyeballs. Can we talk about neck masks? Now before you roll your eyes all, “BEV YOU MUST ACCEPT THE WHOLE TIME CONTINUUM THING” – no. I mean yes. Yes it’s there. Yes I (sort of) accept it. […]
Monthly Mixtape: Garden Blooms and Heirlooms
Happy May Day plus an extra day in May! I think. I won’t keep you. It’s Thursday, and the rain has paused just long enough for me to get outside and get some garden ish in the ground and my window boxes pimped and the HONEYSUCKLE VINE planted (I got a honeysuckle vine! Aren’t you […]