Have you ever seen anything you’d like to stick in your purse AND snuggle AND inhale simultaneously? Apple cups, you guys. Apple cuppies. With savory cheese and ham – yowza boo. The thing about this. . . . snack (?) . . . after-school treat (?) . . . fun fall picnic lunch (?). . […]
Friday Flotsam
FFFFFFFFFFFFFeebers. Feebay. Freeders. Friday. Friyay? Looking at these daisies I’m like, HUNNERT PERCEYENT plantin’ a giant daisy patch next spring. You know how when someone sniffs a carton or tub of food, you can’t eat it after that? (changing subjects pretty fast here) Like, you could buy cottage cheese that morning, fresh from the market, […]
Creamy Tomato Shellbows with Sausage and Spinach
Fall is in 11 days SO THIS IS TOTALLY ALLOWED. More like, welcomed with open torso and face. I basically have the best ever news for your fall. A new life direction, if you will. And I know how your brains work, so I’ll break it to you not-at-all slowly. DeLallo has a new line […]
Green Curry Soup with Shrimp, Mushrooms and Snap Peas
SLUUUUURP. Also known as, what I say every September when I post the first soup recipe. Even IF it’s going to reach 90 effin’ degrees today, I still count September as the official start to slurp season, so there, Mama Nay Nay. And it’s curry! We like curry, right? Of course we do. It’s curry. […]
Friday Flotsam
FF ff would you believe my f key is STUCK? FFF like stuck. I actually just popped it out! The f key just came o my keyboard. OFF my keyboard. What do I do?! It’s bright under there. Like a little glowy alternate universe with tiny men in silver jumpsuits and gray hair and wait […]
Mini Chocolate Mascarpone Cake
No the world did not end but yes I baked!! (!) A CAKE. AN ACTUAL LIVING CAKE. But it’s mini. And filled with mascarpone cheese. Because a) cute and b) you can’t argue with your inner raging soul fairies when they guide you to mascarpone. You just can’t. On top of that, it’s not that […]
Monthly Mixtape: Baguettes and Berets
Although I do think I’m actually eating a croissant here. TANT PIS, LE GARS. At last! Your Francaaaais mixtape. I will confess, my knowledge of French music was actually pretty limited before putting this playlist together. Outside of Stereolab, the Amélie soundtrack and Brigitte Bardot, I was jumping in cold! Well, cool. I know the […]
Friday Flotsam
FRRRRRRRRRRRRR! You’re like, “She didn’t even finish that non word.” Guys lately I can’t tell the difference between mosquitoes and eye floaters. And I look insane in public. You know what I mean, those little eye floater thingies? It’s that tiny traveling speck of fuzz that you THINK you see and you try to focus […]
Bucatini with Everything Bagel Chicken Nuggets in a Raw Tomato Sauce
Also known as: it’s the end of summer and you’ve got a whole bumper crop of tomatoes so here. This is a two-parter. I think I might have a thing about two-parters. Mainly because I like saying two-parters. But we must discuss! Because first, we have the tomato sauce. It’s raw, y’all. Oh wait, I […]
Mediterranean Turkey Lettuce Wraps
You’ve been craving lettuce wraps lately, haven’t you? I knew it! But not anything boring, noooo. You want something with a lot of crunch, a hint of sweet, a bit of zing and a kiss of tang. And then we should talk about these lettuce wraps. (BA DOMP.) I’ve been dying to show you these […]