Friday Flotsam

spring flowers / bev cooks

Frrrrrrrrroodoo. WEEK TWO. We’ve been home for two weeks. (sans two grocery store runs dressed in hazmat suits.) And you know, I think I’m starting to adjust. Everywhere I look lately I read the words “new normal” – and that’s just it. It’s a new normal, and in that there’s this odd sense of peace […]

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Green Cabbage with Bacon and Carrots

Green Cabbage with Bacon and Carrots / Bev Cooks

Cabbage to the rescuuuuue! No like I really mean it. Cabbage. It’s such an understated veggie and yeah, notoriously blah, but listen! It lasts a good long time in the fridge and goes a long way. If you’re officially on lock down for 30 days starting this week (I’m in KC), go get you a […]

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Friday Flotsam

tulip trees / bev cooks

Friiiiiiii… Wow, what a week. Between school closures (for the rest of the year, omg), restaurants reduced to curbside only, and the news becoming grimmer and grimmer by the hour, the whole world just bottomed out, didn’t it? You know this already, I’m not here to magnify the negative. But I DID want to check […]

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Creamy Potatoes with Spinach and Salmon

Creamy Potatoes with Salmon and Spinach / Bev Cooks

Comfort meets carbs meets fresh meets creamy = honey child, yes. It might not be the sexiest looking meal, but the physical reaction your body will have once this makes contact with your mouth is that one emoji with the brain exploding. And guess where the inspiration comes from. The Nightingale! Remember the part (this […]

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DIY: Hand Sanitizer

DIY Hand Sanitizer / Bev Cooks

Hi! How are you coping? 2020 is weird, right? But I’ve got something for you today juuuuust in case you need it at some point. Because hoarders be cray. Also, I decided back in, what – 2017 that I would no longer say “cray.” LOOK AT WHAT THIS VIRUS HAS DONE TO ME. Also also, […]

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Friday Flotsam

daffodil in the front yard

Fri….day. Hey. Well, it’s just impossible for me to sit here at my laptop on this eerie Friday morning and pretend to churn out goofy stories about ankle socks or nose hair clippers when the whole world is being flipped upside down like it is. It just feels fake and inappropriate today. I’ve been purposely […]

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Tex-Mex Chicken and Rice Soup

Tex-Mex Chicken and Rice Soup / Bev Cooks

New favorite soup alert! And I mean it. Oh, do I mean it. And guess what – this falls into my UNDER TEN INGREDIENT meals! Well, it’s 11 in total, but I feel like you already have the pantry staples on hand, so in a way it’s like, six ingredients. And you might already have […]

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