Friday Flotsam

fall trees / bev cooks

Friiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeedeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuhhhhhhh. (<–just going for high-level annoyance right now) So this is the thing: I had a bunch of little ideas pop into my head this week of things to discuss today, but I wrote none of it down. Thinking, “Ohhhh I’ll remember that Friday morning at 5:25am. No problem.” Idiot. I have no idea what […]

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Focaccia Bread Art

Focaccia Bread Art / Bev Cooks

Bread. Art. You guys!!! If there is something more cut out for my life, I’m willing to hear it. But I’m not sure there is. I am dying over this. DYING. And it’s like, not even that great. Of course I’ve seen these garden art designs on Pinterest for a while, and have been obsessed […]

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Friday Flotsam

apples / bev cooks

Foooooorrrrrrrrrdaeeeee. Let’s have a quick chat about something. And this is mildly controversial, given its popularity and current trending existence. I’m going to let you know gently where I stand. Very gently and very lightly, okay? Butter boards. NOOOOOOOOOO EWWWWWWWWW WHYYYYYYY? Can this end? How can we end this? It is disgusting, unsanitary and barfy […]

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White Fish and Bean Salad

White Fish and Bean Salad / Bev Cooks

It looks fancy, but honestly it’s fish and beans. Just fish and beans. But we made it fashion. Also my fish completely flaked in the pan while I was searing, but I’m still a good person. Also also this takes 15 minutes to make. Woo hoo! You in? Let us peepeth. And listen, you can […]

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Friday Flotsam

fall tree / bev cooks

Fffffffffffffffflertserm. Uhhhhh what do you do with the teeth? You know what, let me back up. What do you do with all the children’s teeth in the night? Yeah, still sounding psycho. AS THE TOOTH FAIRY, what are we supposed to do all these nasty chiclet face bones that we’ve collected through the years? Give […]

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Apple Brie Skillet Pie

Apple Brie Skillet Pie / Bev Cooks

You know like, pizza pie. Although this feels more appetizery to me, it is still pizza dough, and sinfully fall with all those delicate apples and creamy slices of brie. You are going to need to sit down for this. Heck, you might even lie down. Whatever you need to do. Let us peepeth. I’ve […]

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Friday Flotsam

foggy apples / bev cooks

FRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrffff? WELL, I was going to ask you all about puffer vests. I randomly deci- okay. It wasn’t random. It was sort of random, but let me tell you how I got there. Listen close because this is weird. I was scrolling IG earlier this week and I came across some Emmy winners’ interviews. And […]

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